
Topic: Advertising/PR

Cost For E-blasts/twitter/facebook For Advertiser

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are doing an event for an advertiser. We have offered them the e-blasts/Twitter/Facebook elements for the campaign. How do I cost this out for the online component of a magazine. We have about 10,000 a month page views and about 3700 on facebook. Not sure about Twitter. have about 2700 newsletter subscribers. I need some help asap.


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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member

    When you ask "How do I cost this out for the online component of a magazine" do you mean how do you work out your cost?


    Do you really mean how do you PRICE it to the customer, i.e. how much you should sell it for?


  • Posted by Mkter on Member
    I have to say, I agree with Phil. If you proposed something to a client/prospect - you had to have some idea as to what you were going to provide as a service or product to them. In this case, you know how many emails you have access to, you must of had some thought to what you were going to send to these email addresses well before offering an emarketing solution to "email blasting them". With that said -
    1. What will it take to develop this platform of an eblasts?
    2. What do you plan to say or offer to your email lists...
    3. How do you plan to track the responses or react to the responses
    This may be a good area to start...

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Well hang on people... Ingrid has offered placement, but hasn't suggested a price yet. So the client is still waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak. That's where she needs the help.

    I think you have to say Facebook rates are a starting point - maybe one end of a scale. The ads can be very targeted with Facebook controls so your segment targeting can be very precise.

    On the other hand, you're talking about embedding the client's adverts inside the pages you know are getting 10,000 visits and your content must resonate with the readers to keep them coming back.

    SO if your readers are within your prospect's target audience, advertising on your pages could provide better resuts for them.

    Why not do a split A/B test - put the client onto your pages with one offer and a separate landing page, and on Facebook run of site with targeted segmentation setup with the same offer and a different landing page (the LP content can be the same, just a different URL so you can gauge the different response rates.

    I would charge them per month for ads on your page and per 1000 impressions on run-of-Facebook. And charge them for the test analysis, too, as it will inform their future media investments. What to charge? FB rates per 1000 plus your margin for handling. And ten times that much per month (i.,e. the FB 1000 impression rate, * 10) on the basis you get 10,000 impressions.

    See how you go...

    Best of luck


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