
Topic: Advertising/PR

Promotion Offers For Tv Spot

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
We are a family owned, urban plant nursery with 9 locations. We are running 2 weeks of tv ads on Comcast (hgtv, etc) this spring. We are going to present an offer in order to entice visits to our stores and to our website (so that customers will sign up for our weekly sale enewsletters). We've already written the ad, but we need to present an offer that runs on top of the ad.

My ideas thus far are:
- Visit our website & sign up for our enewsletter and download a coupon for a free plant (this could present problems with current enewsletter subscribers who will want the free plant)
- Visit our website and download a coupon for a free totebag (we just ordered them; they're recycled, colorful and beautiful...with our company logo)

I need more ideas, please! We don't have a lot of operational manpower in our stores because we run on a skeletal there are a lot of limitations in terms of what we can really do and what can give away (speaking in terms of margin)

thank you!

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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Why can't the newsletter itself be your offer? If it is well written and contains information of real value to your target audience, you shouldn't have to bribe new customers to sign up for it.

    And if the newsletter is simply a vehicle for distributing coupons, you have a real opportunity to add value by including information that your customers will really value -- not just a short-term discount.

    Consumers across a wide range of product categories have repeatedly demonstrated that they PREFER to pay a premium price for products and services they perceive to be more valuable. If all you offer are discounts and freebies, you're effectively communicating that your products are overpriced every day.

    Better if you can give them valuable information and stop giving away your already-slim margins. Spend your money on better content.
  • Posted on Author
    Mgoodman: you bring up a very good point, however our enewsletters do not contain coupons. We send out 2 per month that are content based (gardening tips, recipes, etc) and 4 per month with weekly sales info. None of our enewsletters has a coupon.

    My feeling is that we need to provide a call to action. A reason people will want to visit our store. For me, subscribing to an enewsletter is not enough to get me to visit a store.

    just my 2cents.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Sorry. I was confused by your reference to coupons that you would give away as incentives for signing-up and price offers (i.e., "weekly sales info") in the newsletter.

    BTW, I'd be concerned that 6 emailings a month is too many for your average customer. Do people actually visit the stores more than a couple of times each month? Can some of the mailings be combined? Can people opt-out of some mailings and not others?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    How about a VIP in-store lecture on gardening (pruning roses, pruning fruit trees, create water garden, eco-weeding, etc.) for people who sign up by MM/DD/YY? That accomplishes two things: gets their contact info AND gets them to your store. Coupons are fine, but if you've got friendly/knowledgeable staff, highlight them, rather than discounted prices.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Whatever you are giving away, you need to simplify the message that appears on your ad. And make sure your website is ready for the traffic! Also, use a redirected short URL that's easy for someone to remember when they see it on TV. For example:

    Get your FREE PLANT coupon now!

    Hurry, offer ends May 31st.

    Then you can put more details on the site landing page. "Sign up for our weekly newsletter and we'll immediately send you a coupon for a 10-inch potted plant at any of our nine locations." Etc, etc.

    Hope that helps!


    p.s. Have you thought about just sending a coupon worth $10 (or more) off any purchase? Seems like that would be MUCH easier logistically.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for all of your input!!

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