
Topic: Advertising/PR

Marketing On Small Budget

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have just started a concierge business in an area where there is no other market. Key services I provide are: Running Errands, Administrative Services for those who operate small businesses, New Mom Assistance, Senior Citizen Concierge, Holiday Home and Pet Care.
I am wondering what the best way is to market the business on a limited marketing budget. I do have a website and business cards but I don't know alot of people in the area so I welcome any ideas.
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    Doorhang. Your market is a small radius. Or partner with a few that combine brochures and door hang.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Develop a small flier (letter size) with tear-off strips (your phone number and web address), and post them -- with permission -- on local bulletin boards. Usually supermarkets and drug stores have these, and some smaller post office branches, but you can be creative and see if chiropractors, barbershops, veterinarian offices, etc. would agree to posting your fliers.

    I've seen these work very effectively for the right businesses in the right markets. You might even want a special version for certain locations (e.g., veterinarians' offices would get the one about pet sitting, etc.).

    Also be prepared with a smaller version if they would prefer that you just leave a dozen for people to pick up and take with them (as opposed to posting on a bulletin board).
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Member
    Send postcards to people in your area and if possible, write quick personal notes on each before you mail them.
  • Posted by michael on Member
    Ding-dong-ditch....without the ditch.

    If there is a sign that says "no soliciting", leave a flyer.


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