
Topic: Advertising/PR

Naming A Uni Newsletter For Electronic Test Equip

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
My company is a preferred supplier of electronic test and measurement equipment to the education sector. As part of our contract, we to are circulate a university newsletter promoting our products (oscilloscopes, multimeters, power supplies, spectrum analysers, function generators, thermal imagers, and many more..), offers and new technologies. My problem is coming up with a catchy name for the magazine/newsletter incorporating our product offering with an educational slant/edge/undertone. Any ideas??
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  • Posted on Author
    My company is SJ Electronics ( Our products test the integrity of electronic circuit boards/devices, and identify any faults in the electronics (i.e. any item, such as a tv or radio for eg. that is powered by electronics; we sell the equipment that tests the internal circuit boards to ensure they're fuctional and meet national standards, before being sold). In the context of this newsletter, our products are purchased by academics teaching electronics, electrical engineering, and physics to up and coming engineers, teaching theory and practical application. Any ideas on a name/title for this publication? Any further information i can provide, just let me know.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Wired For Success
    No Fault Newsletter
  • Posted by pghpromo on Member
    The Circuit
    The Motherboard
    Testing Testing 123
    Check Mate
    Analyze This!
    Imagine Nation
    Power U
    SJ's EEasy Times
  • Posted by shrinivas.ayyar on Accepted
    The name is not very relevant here. The biggest challenge for you will be the content. Will you be able to generate juicy, smart, relevant content on a regular basis. Are you willing to set aside a budget for this activity. A research member, good writers, smart design and someone who can respond to feedback.

    The operative word is "consistent". You should be able to plod along even when there is little or seemingly no response to the initiative. We worked with a magazine for the senior citizens. Before we stepped in, the magazine was launched amidst much fanfare and the initiative petered out in 6 months. When we took over, we focused on putting the plan together for 5 years.

    The initiative today at the end of 27 months is amazing!

    You can even name your magazine the SJ + a suffix. But what is vital is to put the right resources and ensure that the educational slant becomes rewarding for the readers. And you involve your business community in this initiative.

    One most important thing: get the CEO or the boss to get complete buy in and he should drive this initiative for it to be successful.

    Here's wishing you success, Dia.
  • Posted on Author
    Many thanks indeed for your responses; some great ideas. In reponse to shrinivas.ayyar, i can confirm that we have a variety of technical articles, industry news, and relevant product offerings that i feel will benefit, and be of interest, to our academic audience. Regarding the name of the newsletter, i think i'm going to go with 'In-Touch'. Although it doesn't contain any electronic reference, it does imply that we are not only in touch with our products and industry, but also our customers, and i will let our newsletter do the talking in terms of the technologies. THANKS AGAIN for all of your input!

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