
Topic: Advertising/PR

Marketing Ideas For A Tree Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am working for a tree removal and tree trimming company and am looking for other marketing options. We currently have ads in the yellow pages and a direct mailer and we also make use of a website. We also use our vehicles as advertising with magnets and one car is painted. Should we use our own direct mailer or create a monthly newsletter through email for our customers, these are just some ideas I had. I was wondering what some other options for us might be?
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Member
    Direct mailers and a monthly newsletter are both great ideas. But, ironically, I happened to think about your very industry last week.

    We've had two different companies trim trees and remove in the last three years. Neither one ever followed up the following season to ask us if we needed additional work. I'm sure I have their business cards somewhere, but their companies are not at the top of mind.

    I think tree trimming/removal services miss great opportunities for repeat business when they don't follow up via quick note or phone and suggest to former clients that it might be a good time to revisit their trees.

    Somewhat ironically, this is one thing auto dealerships do right... I always get reminders for auto maintenance.
  • Posted by jlandau on Member
    If you go with an enews, you could use a free survey tool, like survey monkey, to gather customer feedback, and use it as a way to get testimonial quotes to include on mailers.

    Also, this may be obvious and you may already be doing, but job signs and door hangers to publicize your business in the neighborhoods where you're currently working on jobs seem to do well for our customers who are in the home improvement/remodeling business.
  • Posted on Author
    Customer follow ups is something we have thought about doing I am just worried about bothering people. I do like the idea of creating a Q&A for possible future customers allowing us to answer some of their possible questions.
  • Posted by michael on Member
    IF I need a tree removed I'm not going to look at old newsletters or mailers I've received. You may have some name recognition, but I honestly don't remember most of the mailers I get.

    Networking with landscapers. YOu also just notice places in the neighborhood. Be selective for the places you leave mailers. That means door hanging.


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