
Topic: Branding

To All Real Brand Experts

Posted by Anonymous on 90 Points
Dear Collegues,
Could you please let me know the difference between brand essence and the brand identity?
I have some rough idea but I would appreciate highly more practical response, some exemples even....
Thanks in advance to everybody who will answer me.

Best regards:
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Technically, there is not a difference.

    But some may say the "essence" is the most crucial characteristic of a brand indentity.

    For example, the soft drink Coca-Cola has many aspects that make up it's identity, but the logo/name itsef may be considered the "essence".

    I hope this helps!

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi maria

    following is Brand Identity and Brand Essence according to David A Aaker.

    BRAND IDENTITY is the vision of how the brand should be perceived by its target audience. a brand identity is aspirational compared to brand image and fundamentally, brand identity represents what the organization wants the brand to stand for.

    the BRAND IDENTITY includes
    - core identity
    - extended identity and

    BRAND ESSENCE is the single thought that captures the soul of the brand. it should have the following characteristics
    # It should resonate with customers and drive teh value proposition.
    # it should be ownable, providing differentiation from competitors that will persist through time.
    # it should be compelling enough to energize and inspire the employees and partners of the organization.

    strong BRAND ESSENCE statements usually have multiple interpretations that make them more effective.

    btw, Brand Essence is different from Tagline. as Brand Essence represents the identity, one of its key functions is to communicate and energize within organization whereas tag line represents the brand position and communication goals, and its function is to communicate to external audience.

    hope this helps.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    I think of the BRAND ESSENCE as the DNA of a brand ... the thing without which the brand wouldn't be the brand it is.

    BRAND IMAGE is the perception of the brand by the target audience(s).

    When you do a really good job of understanding your target audience, know your product really well, position it effectively and communicate the positioning clearly, your BRAND IMAGE will encapsulate and present the BRAND ESSENCE in such a manner that everyone will understand and appreciate it.

    That sine qua non BRAND ESSENCE can be a critical feature, a benefit, an aspiration, or whatever it is that makes your brand unique in the eyes of your customers.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    I think of the BRAND ESSENCE as the DNA of a brand ... the thing without which the brand wouldn't be the brand it is.

    BRAND IMAGE is the perception of the brand by the target audience(s).

    When you do a really good job of understanding your target audience, know your product really well, position it effectively and communicate the positioning clearly, your BRAND IMAGE will encapsulate and present the BRAND ESSENCE in such a manner that everyone will understand and appreciate it.

    That sine qua non BRAND ESSENCE can be a critical feature, a benefit, an aspiration, or whatever it is that makes your brand unique in the eyes of your customers.

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