
Topic: Advertising/PR

Pr For A Fundraiser Dinner And Show

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are arranging a dinner and show for a rugby team that will be competing in a competition internationally, the event has been arranged, venue, date, time, band, invites ect. however I need to get attendees, selling table of 10, ad space ect, want to do a e-mail to companies with invite attached, how ever need wording ideas to sell tables. i.e. incentive ect.
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    you say that you want to send an e-mail to promote this event. In addition to the e-mail, what other promotional and sales activities are you planning?

    I personally believe it is unreasonable to expect that you can effectively promote and sell this sort of event primarily by e-mail.
  • Posted by marketbase on Member
    Agree that a personal touch is needed in this case. Consider soliciting sponsors who would either 1) buy tables of 10; 2)contribute to a 'sports bucket' of items that could be raffled off or 3) allowed to contribute 'giveaways' (freebies) for attendees (like trade show without the sell..) Most people love freebies. The latter could include local businesses, too.


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