
Topic: Advertising/PR

Best Way To Market A Unique Door Hanger

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I make a unique door hanger that is ( pat. pend. ) and it carries more then one coupon on it.

We go out and place these door hangers on the general public' s front door.

I delivered sample door hangers ( 80 ) to businesses just to show them what we offer, and we didn't get one response ,but I think the design was to busy.

Also are my prices in line , .09 for each coupon and .22 for the door hangers cover.

What I want to know what are the best ways to market a product like this to businesses that are looking for a simple way of advertising their products & services.

I know that cold calling sometime doesn't work , since people are to busy.

Please let me know what you think and if you have ideals on starting this service.

Thank You
Don Lakin
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    (Aside: your website has a typo "...walk thur their door..." and the graphic "lettter" is both hard to read for humans and impossible for search engines (it's a graphic, with no alt-tag). Lastly, get rid of the VPS Hosting badge - it screams "cheap website".)

    Your price are right IF people can see a get return on their investment. Do you have statistical proof that people are more likely to read/use your coupons than other delivery methods? Can you prove that you truly do deliver all the coupons you say you do? Do coupon packs allow a competitor's coupon in the pack, or is there an exclusivity arrangement? You might want to start with businesses that already use coupon services to explain how much better yours is. Or, contact their competitors, and offer them a chance to get ahead of their competition...
  • Posted on Accepted
    I would like to see one being used on your web site. If I understand correctly each advertisement stands alone with your hanger. i.e. It is not competing with other ads in a bag hung on the door handle. I think that is your key benefit for selling.

    I would certainly cold call to make appointments to go sell. That's how almost how all advertising is sold.

    You can use your door hangers as well with small mom-pop stores where the owner is the first to walk in the door.

    Direct Mail would be another tool.

    If you have samples, send me one.
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Member
    I think it is an absolutely terrible idea.

    People are already receiving too much junk mail and now you want to hang advertising garbage on their front doors?

    The first question I have is - IS IT EVEN LEGAL ?

    Better check city ordinances where you are regarsding distribution of leaflets because I think that this activity will fall into that category.

    But miotly, I I personally were to receive these things hanging on my door I would immediateoy trash them without reading thema dn I may well also call some authority or other to complain about illegal littering in my garden.

    I think that many of the advertisers yo8u have approached probably feel the same way which is why they are not buying, (even if they were reluctant to tell you the truth).

    As mentioned above, if you are seriuos to push ahead with this, at least get the spelling right on your web site to show advertisers that you are literate.

    NOrmally I would close my
    you drop this terrible idea and look for something else that brings real value to peoples lives.

    Thank you,


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