
Topic: Advertising/PR

Luxury Online Retailer In India

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
My company plans to sell top class, expensive undergarments for women. The website is almost ready. It is just that I am looking for innovative ideas for a great Launch Event that has a great recall value. Please advise. Thanks!
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Can you explain who are your target segments?

    Where is the link to the website?

    What is your core differentiator?

    How does the customer purchase - via the website only, or do you have a bricks and mortar presence? Where? What do the stores look like?
  • Posted by iFocus on Accepted
    Google 'expensive undergarments for women' and you'll get about 1,920,000 results..what is so specific to your products that will make women buying them?

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