
Topic: Advertising/PR

Initial Presentation

Posted by sama75 on 250 Points
I will start my own business
And I want to view an idea of my project in Saudi trade chamber
My question is what is the information need to advertise my project?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Have you contacted the Saudi Trade Chamber to better understand what their requirements are? Have you talked to members of the Chamber to determine what their needs are, if they're the right group to advertise to, and how you stand out from the competition (as viewed by Chamber members)?
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear sama75,

    What business are you in (or will you be in)?

    As well as the points outlined by Jay, consider telling people who you will serve, what you or your product will do for those people, and why those people ought to do business with you.

    Focus on solutions. Focus on benefits. Focus on the desired outcomes and on the imagined futures of the people that will buy from you.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    The Direct Response Marketing Guy™
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    are you a member of the Saudi royal family? If not, do you have a sponsor or partner who is a member of the Saudi royal family?

    My understanding is that you simply can't get anything done in Saudi Arabia unless you are somehow connected to the Saudi royal family.
  • Posted by sama75 on Author
    Thank you for thier answer
    Jay Hamilton I talked to saudi chamber and they said it is up To me 

    Dear Gray
    Thanks a lot for your supporting ideas
    I think that a good advice 

    My project is coffee shop and reading club to serve a non- profit organizationes in my society
    No,I am not
    Just I am Saudi citizen and I have a big dreams
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    More importantly, do you have a business plan?

    If not, I'd start there, because that will force you to think about all the important issues ... who is your primary target audience, what are their needs, how will you provide an important and unique benefit for them, how much will you have to invest, how much profit can you expect, when will the business break even and become a positive cash flow generator, what are the critical success factors, etc.?

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