
Topic: Advertising/PR

Creative Branding Ideas For Mma/boxing Gym

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I sponsored this MMA fighter a few years back and then became good friends with him and his agent. His agent just bought a gym that will focus on MMA, boxing, cage fighting and grappling.....both in a boxing ring and cage.

He wants me to put some pizzazz into his new gym with my logo. He is open to anything and everything. We thought about a big logo on the floor of the boxing ring, on the wall, some brocures..... But I wanted to try to think outside the box on branding this Gym with our logo. I was thinking of maybe hanging something cool from the ceiling with our logo...Eye Catcher... I want to do something different and unique.

I handle marketing efforts for a used Car Dealer in town who this is for.

THANK YOU IN ADVANCE to all the helpful and talented people on this site!
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Member
    A logo on the floor can be great if it's bold. Hard for us to consult about something that hangs on the ceiling without knowing the layout of the gym and the logo design.

    Whatever art you select use it often in and outside the gym...everything that leaves on paper should have it!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Since you're focused on image within the gym, how about a hologram - showcasing the logo + the owner or logo + a fight?
  • Posted by Markitek on Accepted
    I want to only kind of answer the question. You wanted something different and unique. So i ask how come?

    When you brand, you want to create familiarity and you want to do it easily for the market. That generally means you want the brand to be immediately recognizable. That points away from different and unique and toward something comfortable and familiar.

    Just thinking of boxing/MMA . . . you might do a variation of the traditional "two boxing gloves dangling" image with one a glove and other a taped fist.

    As far as placement . . . remember again that the entire fight world expects to see logs on the canvas . . . the floor is an inviting spot (although other places at eye level will work too).

    Generally: don't out-clever the process.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Markitek.. That is exactly what I am looking for. Ideas such as the gloves.. I also like the fighter + Logo... I think I will also put in a testimonial there too... Thanks for the comments. I will keep this active for another day or so. Thanks again!
  • Posted on Member
    I always loved the iconic Rocky logo. The Bull breathing steam. This is perfect for a gym, it shows the intensity and hard work of boxing and gives off this 'don't mess with me' vibe.

    Is it too obvious or too stereotypical? I don't think so, it may be that you use a slightly different approach but this I feel is a good building block.

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