
Topic: Advertising/PR

Racing Organization Needs Help

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello all, I am a regional administrator for a racing orginization. I have created a proposal for advertising partnership. I thought that it was a sound plan but I have had only 2 companys out of 50 reply and those were not interested.

Our series realy has no money and all people that work to make the region posible do it for free currently. Is there any marketing companys/marketing agents that work on a commision basis?

Also is there any Marketing people that would be willing to take a look at the proposal I created and tell me what I am doing wrong?
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    I would make sure that you have only the who-what-when-where-why and hows of your organization in your proposal, and that the latter includes no typos or grammatical errors, and is easy to understand. Advertisers want to make sure that the companies with which they align will represent them in the best light possible.

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Happy to take a look at it - email address available via my profile here. Just click on my name above.

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member

    The music video is on the right track but the visuals are boring. The motion footage is what's going to see this sport. The stills undersell karting - it's not about being stationary, it's about the speed and the noise. The length at 1:57 is about right in my view.

    If you're short on motion footage, try repeating what you have got with jump cuts .

    Also - and I hate to sound like a ghoul - but have you got any crash footage? People don't go to Daytona just to see the cars go round and round, do they?

    And as I said in my off-line e-mail about your proposal - it's about the value proposition to the prospect. And how you woo and court them. Don't dump a USB memory stick in the mail to them and expect a cheque in return. You need to create a strong relationship built on value.

    Hope that helps

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Besides Chris' comments about the video, the key thing that's missing from the video are the fans! You're approaching advertisers - they want to see how many people will be seeing their message, not simply pictures of cars/karts.

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