
Topic: Advertising/PR

How Do I Get My Jewellery In Mags, And On Celebs?!

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi, first of all, thanks for reading, just found this forum, and hoping to recieve gudance from all you knowledgeables!

As a designer, business is my secondary skill within my work, but I am getting on okay so far, I mainly need help with marketing ideas.
I should state, I have had access to a large mailing list which belongs to my band, (who tour europe regularly, and enjoy moderate success as a cult underground rock band) and after announcing my website, have recieved most of my initial sales from my fans.

My website is just up, after selling on etsy and at handmade shows for two years.
I specialize in unique, quirky, Limited edition and one-off Jewellery items, and try to keep my prices low (they're not TOO low though are they?)... I digress...
I am now looking to find out how to get my little treasures -
A - Into the style sections in magazines (i.e. do I send samples or images? Do I contact first with my website? etc)
B - How do I go about sending free pieces to celebs in the hope that they will wear them and be photographed? Is there more to it than that? Any ideas?)

I've plowed blood, sweat and tears into setting up this business, and want to go far. Any and all help/opinions/reflections/ and information would be very much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Queen B x
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  • Posted by mvaede on Member
    Have to agree with Phil, your website name is not very telling and doesn't convey much if anything about the unique pieces of jewelry you make. I had a look and find many of them interesting and amusing.

    Now on to your marketing plan. Do you have money to spread the word or would you need to find lower cost WOM solutions ? How many pieces of each do you actually create ? Surely you already have customers and do know some journalists (at least their name) in the fantasy jewelry market...

    I would love to work out a 6-9 months communication plan for you, especially if you have some money to put in to the activity (not yet talking about me getting paid)

    The marketing plan also depends on how quickly you want to develop your business.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Focus on one celebrity who you think your piece of jewelry would complement their "look". Then, work your network to figure out how to reach that person. Then, place your jewelry in front of them. This requires you to focus very narrowly, rather than trying to randomly achieve your goals. Also, consider contacting celebrity stylists (the people who pick out the "look" for celebs). They're good at doing the "matching game".

    Likewise, focus on one magazine that showcases people like you and jewelry like yours, and make a person connection to an editor.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hiya Queenie (I like Queenie),

    Some of your stuff looks very POP/Rock and very "American." I saw some with Indians, feathers and horses. These seem like stuff big HAIR Texas women would like. Not to mention other jewelry you make I can see New York folks would enjoy.

    I noticed your domain name is It is harder to market across the pond, especially with SEO.

    I understand you want to get into magazines, but have you thought about fighting the ONLINE war first? Maybe, talk with blogers, or fashion editors who write about fashion etc? Here are some:

    There are so many out there. Maybe send a few samples to celebrities and or editors of big magazines. Make friends and try to get people talking and writing about you.

    Try to find someone who "dresses" the stars and or dresses models for photoshoots?

    I get your company name "bug pop." It doesn't say much about your company, but hardly anything ever does. What does "Nike" mean? However, I would invest in a GOOD designer and PR so that people think you are big time. The current design doesn't do you justice in my humble opinion.

  • Posted by pghpromo on Member
    Ravey78, everyone in marketing/advertising needs to know their classic history! Nike's namesake is the goddess of speed, strength, and victory in ancient Greek mythology. Does the average Nike-wearing person know this? Maybe not, but that's no excuse for the rest of us!
    Meanwhile, if this "bug pop" phrase has relevance to Zombina's unique service proposition or is otherwise marketable for her business, then associating it with the jewelry industry may be as simple as establishing an alias URL: "" or something similarly explanatory. Or how about creating what you hope to be a self-fulfilling prophecy: ""
  • Posted on Author
    Hi all,
    Thank you so much for your feedback. I guess I was dreaming of someone posting a link to an example letter of how to approach an editor/stylist, or a list of celebrity stylists, or a story of how someone else managed it. But the advice you have given is much appreciated, and has made the route somewhat clearer.

    To answer the point about my name, in 2009 I spent six months with a business start-up advisor, during which time we discussed naming my brand. He taught me that adding the word "Jewellery" to my brand title was not only limiting (I plan to move into apparrel too), but also may appear rather amateur, and lose me some "cool".
    I produced a LONG list of two word names, which I thought sounded snappy, catchy, and suited the style. I sent this list to a test audience of 100 people, some of whom knew me and the brand, some didn't, asking them to choose their favourite names for a new jewellery brand. BUG POP came out in the top 3, and was decided on as the most catchy and memorable.

    The influence behind the name does bear some relevance: "Bug" - I always have at least one insect piece in every collection, and "Pop" - a nod to the Pop Art influence behind much of my work. I had other variations using these words, but thought "Bug Pop" rolled off the tongue nicely and would be difficult to forget.

    Please note the names of a few successful online jewellery brands (some of whom were my influences, and some I have since discovered as my counterparts) have no reference to content in their titles... -

    Tatty Devine
    Temporary Secretary
    Pickle And Pumpkin
    Orelia.... To name but a few...

    Thanks once more, and I hope to be seeing you all again around here. :-)

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