
Topic: Advertising/PR

Volunteer Extreme Makeover Ideas

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Our company has been chosen to build a home for Extreme Makeover Home Edition. In the next 6 weeks we need to recruit volunteers, organize fundraisers, and generate publicity. We are so excited to be involved in this life changing event for a wonderful and deserving family. But we are overwhelmed with the tasks in front of us. Any suggestions on Advertising / PR that will generate immediate attention?
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    Get your WHO-WHAT-WHEN-WHERE-WHY & HOW" together on your website and for handout. How did you get the assignment, who from your company will be involved, when will the work take place, what does it mean to your community and company and why did you take on this challenging task? Just getting those answered will reduce any stress that you have now.

    Begin your PR efforts locally. Contact those with whom you deal with at area newspapers/TV and online outlets. Since the effort is charitable, some may be willing to create display ads seeking volunteers. Include volunteer recruitment on your website and social media channels, as well.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Tell the story of "life changing event for a wonderful and deserving family" from the family's perspective. Then share what your contribution will be, and how people can join you. Be specific on what talents you need when.
  • Posted by Sally on Member
    Do you know if any celebrities will be joining this effort? The last episodes that I have seen have had such a cast. It could extend your reach.

    How about contacting one(or several) of those companies that have been in your position? Perhaps they have guidance and lessons to share with the areas of your concern.

    Is there a local community development organization or tourism bureau? If so, engage them in helping to spread the word. If none local, check the state level.

    How about Habitat for Humanity...would they be interested in getting involved and gaining some visibility?

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