
Topic: Advertising/PR

Launch Parties

Posted by blessedcds on 125 Points
I live in the USA in California

The business is a consultative service marketed to consumers rather than businesses.

I would like to know.....

How far in advance should you mail invitations for a launch?

What is the best day of the week to have a launch party on?

Thank you
What time frame do you suggest?
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    I would sent a series of invites. First a notice about your and your biz coming to the area-- next save the date, and next invite. Check the responses each time.

    As far as what day? Try to tie it to another event-- giving people a "reason" to come in.
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Member
    Your launch day may depend on your industry. What days are people least occupied with other things? If not based on that, consider mid-week. People like something to "celebrate" en route to a weekend.

    I'd mail invitations at least a month in advance.
  • Posted by Sally on Accepted
    Some of the online invitation programs can be very helpful with sending multiple notices/invitations. They also track opens/closes...yes, no's and maybes. I have used both and and found both to be relatively easy to use. eventbrite allowed ticket purchases online...evite - invitation focused.

    Best day of week....depends upon where the party is being held and how accessible. To increase your response should it be a physical event(versus online)...find a new destination in the area which people may not have discovered yet, or limited. This allows for both the curiosity and interest factors. Or, perhaps attendance is tied to a non-profit benefit...or community contribution. If you can find the right "other" factor that goes with your target market, you will increase the response.

    For these events, I find that Wed or Thurs late afternoon works...can catch on way home from work, doesn't interrupt the work day, etc. Again, knowing the profile of your consumer target should be helpful in determining this.

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