
Topic: Advertising/PR

Need Help For Website To Generate More Sales

Posted by andrew.coffman on 100 Points
My client sells cellphone service at and needs help generating more sales.

I need help with some useful ways to advertise the sites services and get some more traffic and sales.

All suggestions and help are greatly appreciated. Thanks
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  • Posted by AdsValueBob on Member
    Google AdWords.

    But Google does not like Get Rich Quick Schemes. This basically includes anything that has to do with How To Make Money Online.

    So. . . . . . all other methods require much more work, cost, headaches, and disappointment. On the surface, this project has red flags all over it. Most legitimate promotional methods won't touch it.

  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Member
    Make your client an expert about cell phones. Write and submit balanced articles to article sites about tips (good and bad) about cell phone ownership. Link to these articles via social media to drive traffic to your client.
  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    Gotta say this looks dicey so be sure you want your "brand" as a marketer associated with get-rich-quick scams before you proceed.

    However, if you're committed to this client, here is some of the low-hanging fruit:

    -- Run ads on the sites and blogs of other get-rich-quick gurus. That's where the gullible audience congregates.

    -- Establish an affiliate program or referral fee. Bloggers in the get-rich-quick category love their referral fees.

    -- Use the long-form "direct mail letter" landing site with testimonials and persuasive language. You'll see examples of these throughout this category; they're formulaic and you can emulate a good one.

    -- Consider making the website approach look less like a scam. That might get you more sign-ups. Better, make sure it is not a scam.

    Having said all of that, you may want to take 90 minutes to watch the old movie, Damn Yankees, before you commit to this client. Once you start down this not-terribly-honorable path, it's very difficult to rescue your career.

  • Posted by andrew.coffman on Author
    Thanks to everyone for your input. All of it was very useful. This is not my normal clientele and I concur the offer is sketchy. I have told them as much and they are open to new ways of approaching their business.

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