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25th Anniversary Event Ideas

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We will be celebrating our 25th Anniversary Celebration. We are a Transitional Shelter for Homeless Women and Children. We have many non-profits in our community so it's difficult to do something different. I was looking for some ideas on how to spice up a Gala - rather than your traditional dinner, dancing, auction.
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    If they're willing, invite some of your program's "graduates" and have them share their stories about how they persevered. Pitch their stories to media in advance of the event.
  • Posted by mvaede on Accepted
    Maybe do a street buffet, for benefactors and those in need.
    Invite the press and have them cover the event.

    Second idea, 25 years is silver Anniversary, so maybe ask for silver donations and auction them off

    Like the idea of inviting people you have helped to talk about your organization - concrete examples are always good, especially when talking about human needs.

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted by marketbase on Accepted
    Several years ago I attended a "Break bread with us" event, a substantially scaled down dinner effort featuring a soup and bread meal supper which accepted monetary donations of any amount with proceeds going to a homeless shelter/soup kitchen. Businesses of all sizes from community Mom & Pops to corporations were invited to purchase whole or partial tables. A slide show ran continuously throughout the meal time (2-1/2 hrs total) and a silent auction was featured. The local media was very generous with coverage (radio, TV and press covered it). A local (giant) corporation donated the use of its cafeteria; many years later, the service shelter has since expanded several times over (services as well as location), linking services for families together.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I'd play down the 25th Anniversary part and focus on the real and important service you provide to the community. How long you've been around is a lot less important than the good work you do.
  • Posted by Sally on Accepted
    Congratulations on your 25th anniversary. That is a terrific milestone to attain.

    Rather than a gala, how about going back in time to 1986 and explore some of the trends/events that occurred then. You could either make the event a retro event or use some of this information (pictures, articles) to provide backdrop. Easy way is to go to a card store and check the birthday cards for those born in 1986...usually list many facts about that year.

    Telling the story through successful "graduates" is good. However, if you make this a celebration party, it is generally hard to get people to pay attention to much mike time. You could use these stories and people to help promote the event with a tag line on the individual comments which ties the individual comments together.
  • Posted on Accepted

    I agree with sally,

    YOu rather showcasing that you have been working for 25 years. Dowcase that in last 25 years how many lifes you have changed. Communicate your next target and then start engaging the donators to donate the money so that your quality work will not just continue but can grow as well.

    A photo story of the people what they were when you started helping them and how they are now. they themselves telling this story to the audience will give enormus amount of confidence about your achievement and furutre goals.

    being a photography lover, if i would have been in your place, I would have organized a photo competition - calling entries which will shocase the social cause which you have been doing for last 25 years and then exhibit the best one during the gala. This will not just give you more popularity, but also pass on your message to lot of creative people also.

    I hope this will help you.

    Nishant Manchanda
    i support . do your bit now.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for the help. I really want something special. I believe I have some good suggestions that I can combine into one event. I can see hosting the event with music beginning in the 80's with a slide show of our progress over the 25 years and having current and former residents speak. I would have a silent auction possibly using bid pal and have a featured SILVER item to auction off.

    I would like to invite the board members throughout the 25 years - If I can find them and definitely the founding members, and invite the churches as they were/are critical in supporting our mission. I have asked a major benefactor and well known philanthropist if he would be our guest of honor or if he would invite our guests, example... Vince and Loretta...cordially invite you to attend... I am hoping he would do this as everyone would come if he invited them!

    How does this sound to all of you?

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