
Topic: Website Critique

Please Review My Purl Test Page

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Hi everybody.
I would like to know your opinion about my pURL demo/test page:

Self-register form / survey / dynamic image/flash personalization – will you consider this an added value?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I'm not sure what you're asking.

    The demo/test page works OK, but I don't understand the benefit. Who is your target audience, why might they be interested, and what are they supposed to do other than provide you with an email address? What's in it for them?

    This looks like technology seeking a problem to solve. If there's a benefit to the user, I've missed it.
  • Posted on Author
    This is just a demonstration for a complete personalized microsite (pURL).

    The pURL concept: personalized landing page, update/collect recipient information, generate personalized offer(s), call to action, etc.

    My question: as marketing campaign project manager will you consider adding variable content imaging (static and/or animation) or you will keep the landing pages as simple as possible.

    QR codes (embedded pURLs), pURLs and personalized images are more and more used in addressed direct mailers and personalized emails campaigns.

    Will you include image personalization to the personalized landing pages?
    Will you consider “on-fly” (data driven) personalized flash coupon more attractive?

  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Can you ask the question in a way that presents your target audience with a BENEFIT? "Would you find [the benefit] appealing?"

    What you're doing now is like asking someone if they'd use a screwdriver, without telling them what it is you are trying to build/fix or why they might want to use it.

    The question shouldn't be "would you use this tool," but rather "would you like this benefit."

    Without understanding what the tool will do for me, I can't give you an honest, informed answer to your question. If you can show me how it would benefit me, I might use your tool. If not, then I'll just keep things simple.

    Hint: Personalization per se is NOT a benefit. Increasing my profit is a benefit.
  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    This landing page wants information before it reveals enough about the product or service. As a visitor, I would leave when the site asks for an email address, because I haven't received any real value yet.

    Flash or other technical considerations really don't matter to visitors (except that they can slow the page load time, a negative to be avoided); what they want is information. Explain what the product, service or offer is. If I use the service, how will my company (or I) benefit?

    Provide a video demo using a fictitious name and, only after showing all the product features, ask for an email address. You'll have a better response rate and fewer unsubscribes later.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you Peg,
    That's valuable feed-back.
    I am a service provider – cross-media complete solutions.
    This demo is part of a beta website:

    I agree with Mgoodman and I rephrase the question:

    Would you use this tool?

    And yes, personalization increase ROI – based on all our previous campaigns (auto dealers, hospitality, health insurance industry).
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Q. Would I use this tool?

    A. No, not with just the information provided. I'm not sure what it would do for me. (The question is all about the tool.)

    Q. Would I use a tool that is guaranteed to improve my ROI?

    A. I'd sure give it a try. You bet! (The question is about delivering on my needs, and you've removed the risk with a guarantee.)

    Note that the answer to question #2 has almost nothing to do with the test page you've provided.

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