
Topic: Website Critique

Your Advice On Dashthis

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points

I need advice of e-marketing gurus.

Our new product is DashThis, a simple tool to create executive dashboards for Google Analytics in less than a minute.

We target SMBs that don't know / don't care enough of their web analytics.

We also target web agencies that work with SMBs. DashThis become the common language between them. The goal is to make the client business more profitable and for the agency, to create repeat business.

So what do you think? Is this of some value to SMBs and web agencies?

The website:

A dashboard demo:
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  • Posted by AdsValueBob on Accepted
    Don't think your question is e-marketing advice - more like product evaluation, promotion, and link building for your website SEO.

    You say "We target SMBs that don't know / don't care enough of their web analytics." If they don't care, why would they want your product? (Rhetorical question)

    Since you need Advanced Segments - I highly doubt it takes "1 minute" to set up. Developing KPIs requires some thought and execution.

    Overall - nice product !!!

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Not sure how representative I am. I serve as a kind of web agency for a few smaller clients, but I don't know if my clients are typical or not.

    My clients don't show any interest in web statistics or analytics. They expect me to look at that stuff and make decisions that will improve their CTR and conversion rate, lower their CPC and find new ways to take advantage of search traffic. That's what they think they pay me to do.

    Whenever I try to explain even the simplest analytics to them, their eyes glaze over and they tune out. So I'm not sure what DashThis would do for me or them. They don't even know what Google Analytics is or how it can be used to improve performance of a campaign or landing path. (I'm not even sure they understand what a landing path is.)
  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    As a marketer, I find this interesting and useful. But clients don't always have the time or inclination to be interested in analytics (that's part of what they want a marketer to manage and translate for them). So, as a start-up strategy, you might target marketers as a first priority (not just online agencies but all types, including freelance marketers), and their clients as a second priority.

    About your home page: You would do better to explain the DashThis! proposition before you ask for a sign-up. Typically on the web, a company has to show first what benefits they offer, before asking visitors to tell about themselves. Starting with a sign-up form typically causes some good prospects to click away rather than sign up.

    Also, if visitors know a little more about your service before you ask for their address and website, they're more likely to give you a principal email address. If they don't learn anything about you first, there is an increased likelihood they'll give you their junk email address, and you don't want that because they're rarely check it.

    Nice concept, and a good business name. Could become quite popular. Good luck to you!

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    I'd suggest simplifying the interface. Have the analytics expert define "success" numerically, and then the executive dashboard would simply be Red / Yellow / Green (pick a stronger "green" color) indicators for the high-level goals (no graphs or numbers initially shown). Allow the exec to drill down into the numbers, but as others have indicated, it's unlikely they will want to.

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