
Topic: Advertising/PR

How Do I Promote Kids Camp From Greece To Europe?

Posted by skourascamp on 250 Points
We have the biggest summer sports camp in Greece. Every summer we have about 5000 children in 3 periods of 22 days. So far we are working with Greek families. But, since my country has major economic problems we have to open the European market. I'm thinking that the easiest way is ad words and face book ads. But not quite sure.

Primarily we are looking to cooperate with schools of foreign languages and sports clubs and travel agencies from Serbia, Macedonia, Romania for a start.
Could you help me on how to start?

Panos SKouras
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    Creating the relationships with schools is a good way to attract attention to your camps.

    You will, however, have to sell to parents. Can you provide travel incentives? What unique opportunities can your camp provide to European kids that they cannot get at a camp closer to home?

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