
Topic: Advertising/PR

Public Relations

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

I work together with a PR agency (URL deleted by staff) and they often talk about PR and classic advertising :-)
But what is the differents?

Can someone help me?
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  • Posted by chet.dalzell on Accepted
    PR is "earned media" -- where your thought leadership results in editorial coverage and mentions. Your cost is the time it takes to develop the content that results in these editorial placements, including the costs of our PR agency.

    Classic advertising is "paid media" -- where you buy advertising in print, broadcast, digital, mobile, direct mail, and other media. Here the advertising message is all your own and there are no middle arbiters (such as reporters) who control the message. Here the costs are advertising development, and the media buy associated with it.
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    I would go one step further and say that PR is an ongoing effort that develops, enhances and maintains a company's or person's image and position in their communities.

    Advertising is space that is paid for and not earned.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks so much :-)
  • Posted by marketbase on Accepted
    Also, PR may be considered to be a third-party endorsement whereas advertising is definitely paid for by the advertiser and therefore, explicitly seen as the advertiser''s message.

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