
Topic: Branding

Country Branding

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Drawing analogy from the thought of social justice, can we think of a unified world (According to Hindu philosophy, we term this as Vasudhika Kutumbhum)? Can we dare to say that, a country brand with ideal culture with a set of ideal values transcends itself and leads to the formation of a unified world? Is it a feasible proposition? Comments please.

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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Uptopic societies are nice to think about, but like JB stated, the proposition would have to conquer thousands of years of opposition.

    Can we get rid of hate, racism, poverty, pestalence, greed, capitalism, and overall power hungry individuals?

    In addition, what about economy? Are there enough altruistic workers, farmers and industrialists to provide everyone with "free" needs, food, luxury, etc.? What about the people who want more? Will they be punished, or forced to be unsatisfied? Now you can see the need to start regulating and governing, then dividion, etc.

    Your ideal would have to toss out all personal opinion, preferences, and needs...and depend on the human nature to accept all variances.

    Many religions have a name, time and place for such a society. Names such as Heaven, Valhalla, Vasudhika Kutumbhum, etc. IN other words, we will reach this place, but not in the reality of our current dimension.

    I think this ideal could be best utilized as a state of mind in order to HELP people deal with problems in a productive manner. But build a society of one? Hey, I'm all for it, but it is highly improbable.

    Thanks for a dose of philosophy!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    A true marketer would first ask who the target audience is, and what need you're trying to satisfy. My guess is that if you really did the in-depth market research, you'd find that the majority of people want to maximize their happiness, wealth, and hedonistic desires in this world, and they have low patience for waiting; they want instant gratification.

    If that's the case, you're not going to appeal to them. You'll have to find the small niche market that will want your hypothetical country and be willing to take a chance that you can really deliver on your positioning promise. That's asking a lot, but it's not impossible.

    Anyway, how many immigrants can your country handle? What are you trying to sell? Tourism? Relocation? Moral support? Financial support?

    So many questions ...
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Hi aks,

    certainly a feasible proposition for discussion sake. From a marketer's POV, how would you position it relative to others?

    Check out this book:

    Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind
    By Al Ries and Jack Trout

    Chapter 15
    Positioning a country: Belgium

    Chapter 16
    Positioning an island: Jamaica

    Good luck,

    - Steve
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    So, you're not a student. And you're looking for something more "specific and precise" without providing the Experts here with more information or context.

    I think you still need to approach your question as suggested in item five on the Important Guidelines page. What are your own thoughts about your feasible proposition?

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