
Topic: Advertising/PR

Message On Hold - Where Is The Value?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We produce MOH services for business clients, how ca we 'convince' marketing managers, brand managers and the like of the importance of this tool as part of their client communication program? Im outta ideas :-(
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  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Randall

    To clarify we are the largest and longest established provider of this service in Australia.

    We have successfully sold on the basis that MOH is invaluable 'one on one ' tiem with a cutomer, it speaks to the very essesnce and values of the organisation and has the ability to directly influence a callers attitude towards the organsiation before they get to speak to someone.

    We talk about MOH enhancing the customer experience-problem is that marketers are penny opinching and not realsing the value as much as they did

    cheers David
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    I would encourage managers that MOH services should be included in a company's overall marketing effort.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    David - can you prove your claims that MOH "directly influence a callers attitude" and more importantly, helps generate a larger sale? It would seem that if you have the data, then you'll be able to directly address ROI question your prospects are asking. If not, can you offer a trial introduction to try it out and see for themselves?
  • Posted by Sher Miller on Accepted
    Something else a hold message does is reassures the customers you haven't forgotten about them. It's much better to hear "Thank you for your patience" or whatever than Muzak.

    There is also value in tieing in additional products or companies if that's a situation you're dealing with. Say someone calls a company about their front door and that company also happens to sell screen doors and door hardware. The hold message is a perfect time to create that tie in the customer's mind. They may have no idea the company also sells door hardware. So, there's value: cross-selling.

    Hold messages are also the perfect opportunity to enhance identity and awareness. It can be a "salesperson" for the company. Sometimes when I call a car company I hear a message about specialty warranties that I didn't know they offered, and I'll make the inquiry when the human comes on the phone.

    It also adds a customer service value if you can link the hold message to the website. For instance, "If you don't want to hold anymore, please visit our website and submit an electronic ticket". Paraphrasing there, but you get the idea.

    Just some food for thought.

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