
Topic: Advertising/PR

Hair Stylists

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Created a marketing website for Hair Stylists called I am just wondering if I can get feed back on the site and also various ideas of how I can market it.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    White type on a black background is generally hard to read.This is easily seen on your "about" page. Since your site is about seeing the stylist and their portfolio, show images throughout your website. Currently your website looks better to be a smartphone app than a website.

    Finally, why should someone visiting your site trust your information? It looks like it's basically a way for stylists to pay to get listed on your site. There's no way for the visitor to see ("social proof") if indeed things are as the stylist says they are.
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    Home page looks nice, but WHY page makes my eyes buggy. None of the colors work well with the dark background. And Jay is right -- you will want social input from people who use the stylists, for credibility.

    Regardless of years/locations of experience, happy customers always help guide friends and followers to good hair talent. Include what said stylists' specialty is and post photos to prove it. For example, is Abby a pro with curly hair and Lorenzo sharp with short haircuts?

    Based on customers' reviews, you might establish a star ranking (scissors?) like Yelp.

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