
Topic: Advertising/PR

Marketing Campaign Ideas

Posted by Anonymous on 95 Points
Company: TSquared, a premium mens clothing brand that fuses quality clothing and ethical fashion. Selling Tees & Polos online to 18-25 year olds.

Im looking for something creative innovative etc. that can force people to replace their clothing with mine. Both online and on streets etc. Some ideas I've had so far...

Couples of saleswomen dressed as police officers and walking to up potential customers and "charging" them for crimes against fashion, telling them how many larger brands neglect CSR and how my brand does not AND that the designs/quality TSquared produce better clothing. Then to gain their details, get them to fill in some kind of rap sheet and give them a QR code sticker/creative flyer etc. something to take away with them.

Hundred of young cool people walking around like zombies (silent and focused) to create a silent flash mob. But this may be very expensive?

For online, other then Adwords and FB advertising I am drawing up blanks, any advice or feedback would be great.

Thanks in advance and I also wanted to thank the person that gave me the idea of T-Squared on my previous question, I havent logged on for some time and am not able to go back to award them the points.

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    I'm not a fan of the "fashion police". I've seen it done locally for years, and it puts some people on the defensive, and embarrasses them publicly. These people don't turn into customers.

    Have a "tear off your t-shirt day", where everyone does it as a statement of solidarity for the humane treatment of people/animals. Film the event, and reward people with "best t-shirt torn off" (enthusiasm, speed, etc.) prizes.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    You really can't force someone to do it. You must make them want to do it. You didn't mention much about the product line and why someone would want to.

    One way is to get the clothes in the hands of people who others look to for fashion ideas. This is why so many manufacturers spend a lot of money giving freebies to the stars at the Oscars and such (the people there get goody bags worth may thousands of dollars). Or why companies pay for the people on talk shows and game shows to use their clothing on the show. Both of these are expensive routes.
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    I think the "fashion police" idea is insulting to shoppers. Even if I was in grungy clothes and knew I wasn't a fashion plate while shopping, if someone did that to me, I'd immediately walk out of the store.

    The best way is to initiate a time-released buzz, beginning with, as Peter suggested, get your clothes on the backs of people who are seen in public. You may want to start with local "celebrities" then move onto those who are recognized nationally and internationally. Always provide a card that has background information about the clothes so that the wearer knows that they were ethically/organically produced.

    Write lots of individual articles with benefits of wearing your clothing that among other things, highlights its manufacturing, chemicals kept in the bottle, animals saved, comfort, etc. Post them on article databases and in a database on your website and share them via social media.
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