
Topic: Website Critique

Online Jewelry Store - Why No Sales?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I started my online store featuring bold and elegant silver jewelry since January 2012 and I am getting about 20 visits a day but no one is buying. Why do you think people don't buy my products? Just wanted to know if anyone has any advise for us ...Thanks.
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Why is no one buying? You lack credibility. On your contact page you tell me you're in Chicago and that if I want you mailing address, that I need to contact you. That's a mistake. When I buy jewelry online I want a name and a street address.

    According to, you have no inbound links to your site. You have a Facebook presence that started on September 30, 2011. You posted on Facebook only four times between then and January 17, 2012 when your online store opened. You have no connection on your site to your Facebook presence. That's not good.

    On your site, the sidebar on the left really needs to be on the right, likewise the name of your company: switch it so that the name of your company is on the LEFT.

    On your website you speak about yourself THREE times as often as you speak about the needs and desired outcomes of your potential buyer.

    Your shopping cart is also a little confusing. No one's going to buy from you until they know you, like you, and trust you. As things stand you do little to make me feel I know you, make me like you, or instill trust.

    Fix these things, add some links, do some basic SEO, get listed on a few authority sites, get and use some testimonials, and give people a name and a face—a personality, someone that is on their side—as your spokes person. If that's you, then you need to stand up and take control.

    I hope this helps. Good luck to you.
  • Posted by NatashaChernavska on Accepted
    Hi, noramariamv

    Well, there are few pretty critical mistakes I have noticed in your store.

    1. Jewelry is much better looking on light grey or white background.

    2. Some images are severely distorted: this creates cheap unprofessional look and products prices don't seem to be valid anymore.

    3. Prices blended with the rest of the content, you have to look for it.

    4. TOO MUCH of the same woman everywhere, you get tired of her after looking at few products.

    5. Product is still very expensive, and for that you need an impeccable online store, yours looks unprofessional. There are lots of little details: font sizing, margins and paddings of the elements, general layout - all of it looks like it was done by somebody very junior in website design, may be even somebody with absolutely no experience. On the back-end, the code is very bulky, looks like site was designed in WYCYG mode. If you have such expensive product, you should invest in a great looking store.

    6. With all that being said, what kind of marketing do you do? It's not enough just to have an online store. Don't expect that as soon as you decide that it's ready to sell, people will immediately start buying from you. There is HUGE competition in online jewelry sales, and you have gotta be either VERY unique or VERY well promoted to start selling even a little bit.


    1. Hire a professional to redesign the store.

    2. Rephotograph all products, eliminate black background, use white or very light grey. Do not use people, use displays. If you want to use people - show as little face as possible.

    3. And promote, promote, promote!
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your valuable advises. I do agree with a lot of them and we will definitely incorporate them. I don't think though our web is that horrendous that need to be completely redesign as Natasha suggests, but we do need to improve overall ...and in that sense I believe your advises will help us to take the right direction. Thank you.

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