
Topic: Advertising/PR

Pitching For Bank Sponsorship For An Arts Event

Posted by mayesero on 250 Points
I'm organizing a performance poetry event and I'm drafting a proposal for sponsorship form a local bank. the question: how does the bank benefit from the event, constitutes my dilemma. What activities could i propose as direct benefit for the bank? the bank has small branch at university campus where my event will take place. new 1st year students start Next month
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    Your job is to assure the sponsor is recongized. You should get a media sponsor first, and know how the event will be marketed. This is the determining factor your bank will evaluate to determine if they will participate.
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    If the bank's name is associated with the event, that, signage and any information you have available, will help get it recognized.

    Maybe up the ante for the bank and poets. Offer a few dollars from the bank to a person who can most creatively perform a piece of poetry that incorporates the name of the bank. It would be fun and generate lots of buzz.
  • Posted by mayesero on Author
    @MONMARK GROUP the event will host recognised performance poets in the country
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    You can offer the bank name placement: in marketing materials, on badges, on the stage, and perhaps even a special poem written about the bank by one of your poets.
  • Posted by Sally on Accepted
    Does the bank already sponsor cultural events? If so, and this is the "first annual", the bank might be interested in helping to launch a new tradition.

    Where will the audience be pulled from? Are you anticipating large audiences? If you need volunteers and it is after normal business hours, perhaps the bank could provide some.

    As mentioned prior, recognition of the sponsors(bank or others) is extremely important on all materials and pr.

    Is this a one session event or will it occur over a period of time? Reoccurring events would provide more recognition for sponsors.

    Some banks have community development funds which need to be applied for well in advance due to budget cycles. You should inquire now to see what their procedure is and if they have any targeted support efforts.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Most companies that depend on the community (like banks) have a budget for community events. My best advice is do NOT follow their procedure for sponsorship. You'll see that under the tab on the web site called "community" or something like that.

    I have been involved in many events like this. To get sponsorship you'll have to do this one on one, find a champion and you will have your $$ without the wait associated with doing it "per the book". Do it by the book you will be a in que that can take months. And you are in a pool with as Monmark says, lots with their hands out and not enough funds to go around.

    Sit them down and describe your event and find out from there what would make this event worthwhile to them-- and make it happen. Don't cheapen the event by watering down the integrity-- this is a poetry contest and you don't want anything to distract. So, no changes in poetry guidelines. This is an educated event, and those attending either are, their parents are, or they will be future customers. This is a sophisticated event, not a frat party-- that in itself is something a bank would want to be part of. Be open minded, in an event like this your ability to make this the banks event in a way that is important to the bank, may set you apart from others with their hand out.

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