
Topic: Advertising/PR

Bank Branch Grand Opening

Posted by susan.harkenrider on 125 Points
We will be opening a new branch in about 2 months. I have been asked to plan a grand opening strategy. We would like to do a soft launch, then a VIP event (invite only) and finally a commuity event. Any suggestions???
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    Banks are among the most disliked institutions these days after bailouts and increasing fees, so you want to conduct activities that embrace the community/potential customers.

    If yours is a community bank, bring in your president and have him greet each visitor by name and enjoy idle chit-chat. Don't sell at an event. You will want to embrace your neighbors by asking and visibly promoting them via drawings/giveaways. If customers know that you're as committed to their community as their other trusted go-tos, they'll be more likely to do business with you after the party is over. It's all about being personable ... and of course, providing them with quality, trustworthy service.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Start by connecting to those in the new community that best need your help: small businesses (for loans), people poorly served by existing banks (perhaps low-income and/or children), etc.

    Instead making the opening about your bank, take the budget and support a local non-profit whose mission you can support and draw attention to it. It'll allow you to co-market with them, and perhaps offer $100 (for example) will be donated to the charity for all newly established accounts (that have a minimum amount / minimum deposit amount / etc.).
  • Posted by Sally on Accepted
    How about finding an important charity in the community and providing exposure for them (and a $ gift) at your opening? Maybe it could become your key charity in this community? Or, perhaps you kick off "charity of the month" recognition which would allow a charity each month to put a display/literature in a designated location in the branch.

    Based on recent history, financial institutions need to align themselves with a positive force. Community non-profits are struggling. Have a strong community commitment in your efforts.

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