
Topic: Advertising/PR

Celebrate Pre-school 40th Anniversary

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am a parent volunteer at my son's pre-school. The school will be celebrating it's 40th anniversary in the coming school year (2012-13). We are hoping to put together a fun series of activities to both promote the school to the community and to raise some always needed funds for the school.

We already hold an annual PumpkinFest event in October which is a fair type event including activities for the family, silent auction, raffle, bake sale, etc. We can incorporate special features into this event to boost the funds raised. It is a fairly well attended event in town, so already a place where the school naturally gets some nice exposure.

We have no budget to speak of but a great deal of parent sweat equity, so any ideas need to pay for themselves.

Any suggestions or ideas are greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What do you need the funds for? For example, if it's for (deferred) maintenance, then why not have a "barn-raising" - community paint-along/paint-athon? Or, why not have a BIG prize (like your child is mayor for a day) based on a raffle, etc.? Do you have "famous" graduates from your pre-school? If so, invite them to speak/share.
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    Coordinate a reunion of anyone you can find who attended the school during the last 40 years. For those who cannot attend, as well as those who can, ask for submissions for a story that they might remember from way back when they were in pre-school (I know I still have some memories of my own, from back then), and create a memories book and sell to help support ongoing programs at the school.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    A memories book is a good idea. My grade school did just a collection of pictures, no submisions required. You can also do a "cookbooK', with recipies from those current and past. I used to own a French, fine dining restaurant, and my ex executive chef is cooking at a private school. Depending on the school, I am sure parents would love a collection of Chef Michael's recipies.

    With the goal being raise awareness in the community, I'd go with a "giving back to the community" theme. I'd go with monthly projects where the students volunteer for some kind of community event. It can be nothing more than caroling at Christmas to a assisted living center-- all will raise awareness and are great PR opportunities.

    I would tie it with a pledge, one time, for the entire year (which will be a basis to renew the year after). Friends of x school.
  • Posted by marketbase on Accepted
    Is the preschool private or public?
  • Posted by marketbase on Accepted
    Consider hosting a "cars of the eras" (especially '70s) show, indicating that the school's been there for forty years. Then depending on the size of your community, cap it off with taking the show on the road--a parade of cars through town featuring the cars (makes and ages noted on doors) interspersed with groups of graduates carrying bright colored posters w/professions e.g. DOCTOR, ATTORNEY, MAYOR, AD EXECUTIVE, ETC. and year attended, made up by the current batch of preschoolers. Guaranteed to get attention!

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