
Topic: Advertising/PR

10 Year Business Anniversary

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I work for a small cheerleading gym. We teach kids how to cheer and tumble. We also coach competitive cheerleading. Here is our facebook:

We are getting ready to celebrate our 10th anniversary of being in business. Any thoughts on how to make this a huge success? I need ideas to make this special. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The number of years you've been in business isn't nearly as relevant to your target audience as it is to you. Save them from your ego trip and instead let them know WHY you've been able to survive as long as you have.

    Focus on the unique and important benefit you deliver to the target audience -- why your customers choose you instead of some other cheerleading gym or other activity. That will be relevant whether the business is 10 years old, 13 years old or 22 years old.

    Bragging about how long you've been around is not likely to resonate with a prospective customer nearly as much as WHY they might want to become a regular. (Do you choose suppliers based on their age?)
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    The comment above is right. I've written many times in this space about how anniversaries typically mean something to business owners and not the people they serve.

    If you want to celebrate amongst yourselves, invite former students from your programs throughout the years to perform with current students and entertain friends and family.

    You may also ask former students to talk about how your coaching differs from then to now; those nuggets could provide fodder for a local weekly to do a story about your business which speaks to your community. If you want to go broader, talk about how cheerleading has become safer (has it?) through the years and why.

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