
Topic: Advertising/PR

Need Ideas For Fall Fitness Membership Blitz!

Posted by ATFCheypi on 250 Points
I am the Office Manager for a franchise fitness facility, just celebrated our 1yr anniversary and currently have approx 950 members. We have 5-10 walk-in membership applications/week and corporate affiliations with several local business, health stores, and government entities...and are constantly reaching out and adding new business.

We are looking to do a fall membership blitz, and I am looking for creative ideas to get current members involved while bringing in new members from the community. I'm thinking some form of referral contest (we already offer incentives for referrals, but I'm thinking something DRASTIC)...but looking for more ideas and a theme. Currently playing around with a Gridiron theme, but not incredibly enthused about it.
Ideas, themes, incentives -- needing inspiration!
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    For a big incentive, provide a years' membership fees paid to the current member who brings in at least five new members (and they have to remain members for at least three months, if you don't already require annual fees).

    Did you give anything special to members when they joined? A duffle bag or something else with your club's logo? If not, create a RE-member month to recognize the importance of your current members and give them such an item. Hold a tailgate party for them to come enjoy and bring their friends (potential new members); discount merchandise or class fees for the month.

    Just a few ideas off the top of my head. Have fun with it!
  • Posted by ATFCheypi on Author
    Gail, we don't require annual fees; however, we do require a 1-year commitment. We do several contests and promos to gift our members and thank them for their loyalty (the latest being a giveaway for a weekend in Chicago). Classes are only $5/hour class -- so discounting is a small possibility, but maybe not as practical. Thank you!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If the classes are inexpensive, then give to each member a number of gift certificates (for a free class) that THEY can give away. The members who have the most certificates redeemed (you'll need to track which member got which gift certificates) can win a nice prize (massage? fame? dinner for 2?).
  • Posted by ATFCheypi on Author
    We also do free 7-day and 14-day trials, available to all potential members through our website!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    But a free trial on your website requires people to look you up online and go on their own initiative. A contest encourages your membership to reach out to their friends (more personal). It's not about the free class, it's about the word-of-mouth you're trying to spread.
  • Posted by ATFCheypi on Author
    thank you guys for your input!

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