
Topic: Advertising/PR

Construction Defect Seminar For Lawyers & Experts

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm putting together a 3-day symposium for lawyers and construction experts (architects, cost estimators, contractors, developers...) offering numerous lectures/workshops for learning the practical side of the construction defect business. What will entice participates to attend this high-end symposium will be the fact that we're going to disclose our "secrets" gained from years of experience and success. (The 3 of us organizers of this event are retiring from the CD litigation business, and essentially want to sell our hard-earned and sought-after knowledge.) We're starting off with just one event, but our goal is to produce numerous symposiums across the country.

Our biggest challenge is getting the attention of prospective attendees -- by direct mail and advertising in trade magazines. We're targeting two groups: (1 ) CD attorneys, and (2) forensic experts (construction professionals who render opinions in a lawsuit.) We'd love your input and ideas for an inexpensive promotional item to include in a mailer so our brochure gets the attention of the addressee-attorney or expert (instead of winding up in the round file.) We've been raking our brains for an item with a wow factor (either for its cleverness or usefulness) that's easily mailed. One idea I had (well, it may be more of a fantasy than an idea): Upon opening the envelope, out pops a 3D house that opens automatically to display the outside of a small box-shaped house. The production cost may be prohibitive, but I was thinking if we could demonstrate a few construction defects on the outside of such a pop-up home, it may be something that sits on an attorneys desk for quite a while. Any ideas?
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Hi shadesq,

    No bio info in your profile – are you guys lawyers, experts or a combination of the two? Where are you planning on starting these symposiums?

    It would help to know.

    - Steve
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    Another question I would like to ask you is what experiences do you or your other partners bring to the table?

    Do you have relationships from your past successes or careers?

    If so wouldn't it be nice if you all could take advantage of your former or current contact base and ride those contacts coat tails into new prospects. I have many ideas but if you could participate in the post we all would be more than happy to chime in and I'm positive that it will be to your advantage in the end. Look forward to your response to Steve's questions as well. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    Looking at what you just laid out to me it appears as though you have a great group of people. Now the way I see it between all the experience you all have it looks like nearly 50 years of experience in varied fields. That's a lot of contacts and phone calls.

    Between the three of you does anyone have a well kept database or rolladex?

    I'm sure each of you have solid contacts and relationships because being a good attorney requires this. Right now besides using to open up the floodgates for developing local and national publicity you all have a hosts of contacts right within each one of your own worlds. Using a proper PR specialist could help you launch a local campaign that could draw the specific clientele you are looking for. How many people are you looking to draw to your seminar?

    If your market place is aimed at attorneys and forensic specialist there has to be plenty of list available for this particular market. Is this helping you?...and if it is not tell me really what would you like your end result to look like after your seminar is over? Would you like to grow your contact base?...and why do you feel like you don't have the resources to leverage past and present relationships to do that?

    Do you realize that most of what you need right now is currently right in existence right where you are? Shadesq I believe you all can have the most successful seminar that you want to have but it begins with do you even believe a word I'm saying? I've seen other people do it with people who have less credibility then you and your friends so it's time to get on with the mindset that you can grow your interest for the type of seminar you are doing right from where you are...It's time for you to bloom where you are planted? You need to really focus the next seven days on leveraging your relationships. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    This is a situation that calls for you to write a book on the subject. The credibility and visibility it would give you can't be generated any other way. You wouldn't have to worry about people buying the book and skipping the seminar. They would never "get it" from a book, no matter how well it's written. And as a give-away at the seminar it will have that much more meaning. They'll have met the author(s) and understand the substance so much better.

    Once you have the book, you can enclose a small reprint of a couple chapters with your solicitation mailer. You can also put it on your website and begin to create an integrated "industry" based on what you know and can teach.

    Now, if that sounds like a lot of work, let me tell you it's not as hard as it sounds. I've done it -- for myself and for others. I'll be glad to lay out the steps for you, if you're interested, and I'll suggest a few books you can read that will make the whole thing fairly straightforward. (I'll even give you an estimate for ghost-writing, if you want.)

    The real key to generating interest (and business) is convincing your target audience that they'll be able to make more money as a result of what you teach them. You don't need gimmicks or novelty give-away items. You need a compelling beneifit promise, communicated in a way that nobody can possibly miss it.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    you have received excellent input from above.

    tactical tip – send your communications directly to CD attorney’s secretaries instead of to the lawyers themselves.

    In my experience getting buy-in from the secretary to at least bring your information to the lawyer’s attention is your best hope for success. I recall a campaign that sent a single rose in a box to legal secretaries to draw attention to a seminar series. Of course, secretaries wouldn’t waste lawyers time with uninteresting material, but give them a well thought out professional invitation and you’ll increase the chances they will show it to the lawyers. Also, do your follow up with the secretaries, since you sent the info directly to them.

    Hope this helps,

    - Steve

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