
Topic: Advertising/PR

Need Image W/ Impact, Looking For Opinions

Posted by JerryC-PA on 50 Points
Hi everyone,<br />Things are going well with my auto electrical business and my adwords campaigns. Now I'm back to working on my site, and trying for more conversions (phone calls) I'm happy with the new direction I am going with my copy. But as I read more and more about how images work on people, I'm starting to look at my header picture a bid differently. Could you guys give my your opinion on a picture/graphic idea that would reenforce the idea that I fix the electrical systems in cars?<br />I keep thinking there are only 2 or 3 that convey electrical in cars. I'm looking for a little brainstorming.<br />Thanks,<br />Jerry
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    How about visuals to do with positive and negative? Or images of breaks in wiring causing arcing?
    I'm sure you could you tie this in with battery and car electrical repair in some way. A good source for images and illustrations is
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Find an image that showcases a emotional issue connected with electrical problems: smoke (or fire) pouring out of the hood of a car as people look on helplessly, a car being towed, or a car stuck in an unfamiliar location. Or maybe it's the image of a stack of bills from other auto mechanics that show "unknown problem" stamped on their bills.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Looking for a little brainstorming? You could do some "image searches" in Bing and Google using keyword phrases such as a "mix and match" of ... auto (cars) electrical (graphics, art, decals). It's a quick and easy way to see many relevant images and get some great ideas for what might work best for you.

    Google Image
    Bing image

    note of caution - most of these images will require some permission of use. Think of this exercise graphic criterion for any image development.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    There is more to imagery than meets the mind. You can create imagery by describing what you did for one of your clients. This will both inform your customers about what you do and how you do it - the more important thing is that the otherwise confusing space under the hood (or dashboard) suddenly pings into focus.

    That nest of colored wires suddenly becomes as vivid and distinct as it does for you - that red/black striped culprit now stands out against the rest. (Especially with an arrow pointing it out!)

    Because you have a real problem: driving a car is easy and few people have any idea how it does it. I have looked at enough VW transporter wiring diagrams with my ex to get the thing back on the road to know just how complex even a simple one is. This is then no easy thing to describe - or put into imagery.

    So break it down into bite sized chunks. By which I mean, answer a question "my car doesn't work properly". Take them through how you start the analysis, what the places look like and what you do to go further. Describing what you do from a photograph is possibly the easiest way to tell a story if you aren't a natural story teller as I am.

    So, take some pictures next time you do a repair and show the place you start, the route you follow, the wires under the carpeting, the places where you discovered the connector hidden under the car seat. Because it is this that had come adrift and took so long to track down. That is when the images will mean more than some dumb graphic showing positives and negatives.

    Don't forget to show the happy customer, if they allow. As to privacy, I can see no problem in taking pictures of your work. They are your pictures and the car is one of millions.

    What's more it might even find you an apprentice! Hope this helps, M xx

  • Posted by JerryC-PA on Author
    "There is more to imagery than meets the mind. You can create imagery by describing what you did for one of your clients. This will both inform your customers about what you do and how you do it - the more important thing is that the otherwise confusing space under the hood (or dashboard) suddenly pings into focus."

    In my new landing page for auto electrical I have been trying to honestly explain how I go about fixing complex problems, I'm trying to get them to understand what I do, to trust me. I wrote the following and I would like your opinion (everyone's opinion) as to weather it's a story or story like. Any possibility to work imagery into it easily? I have a hard time writing, but when I ask writers to help, it feels like the work loses my voice. I exactly see what you describe in your reply about the wires standing out, and someday I'll be able to write about it.
    So with a passing header picture and the following copy, do you think it lends trust?

    When you call
    I will ask many questions in order to understand exactly what your particular problem is. I will listen to you carefully because so often, one small detail makes all the difference in how I resolve your car's problem.

    When you bring your car for an evaluation, I recreate the scenario you described in order to make the problem occur. I want to be sure I am addressing exactly what you need fixed. Once the problem is adequately defined I will make some preliminary measurements which will give me a basis for estimating a time frame and cost.

    The expense incurred in estimating a repair will be part of the repair and not an additional charge. I promise to maintain contact with you throughout this process so you understand the cost before a diagnosis is made. Guessing at car electrical problems helps no one (they take time to estimate accurately), therefore, I ask that you pay for the initial evaluation if you decline the repair.

    When you elect to have me repair your car I will continue the work started earlier to it's conclusion. I will then verify the first measurements have returned to normal by repeating (usually many times) the conditions that triggered the issue. The car is returned to you with a stable repair that is guaranteed not to re-occur.

    Many times people think they need to sell their car because they believe an electrical issue won't ever be fixed correctly, If you allow me to fix your car's electrical problem it will stay fixed.

    My name is Jerry and I would be glad to talk with you about your car's electrical problem.

    Sincerely grateful,

  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Jerry, try this

    Hi, My name's Jerry. I fix car electrics. Anything from a broken light to a complete rewire of a 1965 Mustang using genuine wire. If you've a problem that needs sorting fast, just pick up the phone and give me a shout. I answer all my calls personally, and usually can give you an idea of what is going on in a couple of minutes. That means I can give you an idea of how long it will take to repair and how much it'll cost.

    Oh, and if it still safe to drive your car!

    And you can borrow my company runabout whilst your own car's in dock. It isn't the greatest thing on the planet, it does mean you have wheels. sure, and it's got Jerry's electrics all along the tailgate too. We all have to make a living, right?

    - So what if it all goes wrong? I'm human too. If it's my mistake, it gets repaired at my expense. Well, I wouldn't want it any other way, and I don't think you would either.

    - What if there's a lot more damage than you expected from my initial inspection? Well, again, none of us are perfect. We can discuss any extras should they crop up. Remember that you are a valued client, and I want to keep you on the road - and on my Christmas Card list. Okay? Sometimes these things happen, and with electrics it is always best to be safer than sorry.

    - What if the fault re-occurs? If that is within 6 months or 50,000 miles, we repair it for free. No quibbles. These things happen, and if it happens to you we step up to the plate. Having people on our Christmas Card list means a lot to us.


    Imagery - a photograph of a broken connector deep in the wiring loom? A car at the side of the road with the hood up and someone on their phone? A picture of your recovery truck? Happy customers? A picture of your feet poking out from underneath a car - after all, this is how many people will first see you ;-)
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Imagery: I would avoid showing the problem visually and focus instead on showing happy customers. People relate to other people, not to a bunch of wires and fuses.

    Reframe your deliverable so that instead of "fixing electrical problems" you "make car owners really happy." (You do that, of course, by fixing the electrical problems, but the net take-away you want from a website visitor is that they'll be happy with the result.)

    And the story seems like TMI. Maybe buried on a page with FAQs it would be OK, but not on your homepage or About page.
  • Posted by JerryC-PA on Author
    Thank you to all who helped.

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