
Topic: Website Critique

Website Critique: Web Development Company Website

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello everyone,

We've just re-designed our website and would love to get some feedback on how it can be improved. Especially in terms of usability and how to convert more visitors into leads.

Most visitors come from search engines, having used keywords such as "web development india" or "php developers india".

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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    You aren't doing a bad job - because most SEO visitors will arrive through one of your specialized pages. You could be a little more descriptive about the things you did for them - your bullet points could be expanded as all this meat is what the bots like.

    Your front page is crowded and confusing, not so much of a problem when people are seeing it after they've seen some of your other pages though. It could still be more of a general overview of all the things you do.

    From here in Europe you don't make the top 10 pages of Bing for web-development-india (without quotes) nor the top 5 pages with quotes. I think you are far better off letting your portfolio pages meet your prospective customer's immediate questions. Most people put "web development india" into the search box when they are really decided on this course of action. Those who are just looking will be putting in questions like "great affordable website" - and only turn to the more direct searches once they have discovered what is on offer. That is where your portfolio comes into play: you can make each page answer one specific question that your visitors may have. That way you catch them early.

    You will convert more visitors if you have a newsletter that keeps them up to date with what's going on. That way they'll get to trust you; most visitors do not buy on their first visit.

    Does this help any?

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Your site appears to both be missing alt tags (for images) and analytics (for visits).
    Your home page seems to be a bit too focused on you, and not enough on the visitor. Who specifically is the right client for you? Someone who already knows that they need PHP/MySQL help, someone who's just starting out, or someone else? Do you offer any guarantees that you stand behind - 100% on time guaranteed, for example?
  • Posted on Member
    First, there is no "Contact Us" page on the website.

    Second, It would be good if you can put a smaller version of "Get a Quote" form on the home page...

    Third, You could replace the section "Some of our clients" with a dynamic / marque kind where at a time only one client's details will be displayed but will be scrolled continuously (marque).

    Finally, you have done a great work. But, adding the above points may bring you more business.

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