
Topic: Website Critique

How Can Power Thesaurus Be Improved?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I'm currently building a new website and would greatly appreciate your feedback!

The website has been developed with the idea to create a convenient tool for writers or in fact anyone who would need to find a synonym or a group of synonyms for particular word.

What is missing? What changes would make it a better one for general public or for you?

Thank you,


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  • Posted by Moriarty on Member
    Alex - I haven't looked at your site yet. I want to ask you some questions first.

    There are thousands of thesaurusses out there - what's the idea about this one? Bear in mind that I'm a professional writer and the books I never look at are dictionaries and thesaurusses.

    This is what Virginia Woolf had to say on the issue:

    So let me know who it's aimed at, and why. What is your intention in making this treasury of words, and what makes it special?

    Over to you.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Fix your "Add New Word" page - there's layout problems using Firefox.
    Support for foreign languages.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    I use (the market leader)

    Although I have tried a dozen or so other thesaurus sites, none have provider a better overall experience or reason to change my bookmark. I suggest you use this leader as your benchmark and look for niche (benefit) where you can out perform them.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    A modicum of descriptive text telling people what to do might help. This may sound obvious but never ignore the fact that people need instructions.
  • Posted by jayme.mcclellan on Accepted
    I've been using a lot lately and have to say, I LOVE your site. So much faster to find what I am after. I particularly like the word cloud, filter by parts of speech and user thumbs up, thumbs down. (Sidenote: Thumbs up/down is hard to distinguish. Any thoughts on filling them in gray so they stand out more?)

    Per the other comments, your homepage is a little bland (Google like?). I love simplicity and clean, but where you are trying to build up interest, may I suggest using a snippet for your top 5 words so that people can quickly see what you are offering and (i.e. the features that distinguish you from others).

    Once you have a good amount of traffic, you can revert back to a simple style (though you could even do something fun with this and show unusual words that people might click on just to learn more).

    Best of luck - truly really nice to use and looking forward to the final version.


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