
Topic: Advertising/PR

Sites To Post Fl House For Sale To Active Adults?

Posted by Corpcommer on 500 Points
Hi, Friends!

I would appreciate your suggestions on good websites to post a notice/ad about a move-in ready house for sale in Florida. A moderately priced house (not a condo) in a homeowner association and the only house for sale in that section, which is pet friendly.


The realtor listed it on their website and on a Florida multiple listing site that attracts other brokers. The realtor made a virtual tour, and the link to the online video is sent to buyers on request.

Now the goal is to attract consumers directly without additional expense, instead of just waiting for agents to suggest it to buyers.

Target consumers: active adults 55 and older who want to move to FL (west coast) or be a snowbird; relax at home or entertain family and friends, or enjoy activities at the Clubhouse (swimming, bocce, tennis, clubs, etc.).

Other selling points: The house is well maintained and in a pet-friendly area, which is the only section of the HO community that allows pets.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

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  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Do you use online advertising - PPC? Because Google's display network could be the thing you're looking for.

    They're like the ads you see on this site - and generate revenue for this site. That's what the advertiser pays for after all - and hopefully gets their money's worth. The point is that the display network is big - around 100x bigger than it's little brother, Adwords. It's also amazingly flexible.

    So where do you start? Well you've described the house as being pet friendly - so advertise to pet owners! Magazines, blogs and so on. Sure the response rates aren't going to be great, it will at least get an audience that is fresh. You can start with a small campaign - say in Chicago or Illinois - refine the placements for the most return and then work up to doing it nationwide in the space of a few weeks.

    If you haven't sold it by then of course!

    The reasoning behind this is to find the pinch point of the thing you're offering - the thing that makes that property different from all the others on offer. That is the one thing that will interest a certain section of the market - so target them.

    What do you think of this approach?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    You might want to reach out to these 2 Florida Realtors (not in your area) for suggestions that do target your area: and
  • Posted by Corpcommer on Author
    Moriarty & Jay - I appreciate your sharing your ideas so quickly with me.

    Moriarty -- Thanks for the information about Google and Adwords and your suggestion to reach pet owners through magazines and blogs -- all great ideas.

    Jay -- I didn't realize there are realtors with a pet-friendly specialty. Thank you.

  • Posted by Corpcommer on Author
    KSA - Yes. the house is in an active adult 55 & older community. Thank you for sharing that info.

    corpcommer - MC

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