
Topic: Advertising/PR

Promoting A Freight Brokerage Firm

Posted by Seopacks on 500 Points
Hi Marketing Geeks,

We are looking for some input how to effectively promote a freight brokerage firm.

What we do?
We help shippers find reliable Carriers at reasonable price.

Who are our Customers?
Manufactures, Wholesalers, Grocery supermarkets, food manufactures or anyone who ships across Canada and USA.
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Looks like a continuation of the post you just closed.

    Here's the problem, you're asking for "some input" from us. And we're asking for "some input" from you. The input you have provided is a general description a marketing segment (or niche).

    Any of your competitors could post this same question, word-for-word, because it simply defines your segment. It doesn't differentiate any individual business brand that is grouped into this segment by the customer's perceptions.

    In order to help you, we need to better understand the competitive marketing dynamics. How do customers view you relative to the competition? What are they saying about you? What's their level of satisfaction? What specific problems do they have? Is anybody attempting to solve their problems? Specifically, how are you unique?

    If you can answer these questions and more, really dig deeper, and post your findings in the form a "brief creative brief", you will get better input from us. Your other option is to work with an experienced marketing consultant who to help you write a real marketing plan, which is what I really recommend. Hope this is helpful.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    I agree with Steve, only I didn't respond earlier as I wish to go through your last question and pick out any salient details I can find. I know you'll both be off to bed soon - it's tomorrow's early morning for me here ;-) So I'm posting a quick "hello" before you flump into bed and relax for a few hours.

    I'm more than happy to tailor questions for you directly and specifically - writing creative briefs is actually an alarmingly difficult thing to do. It'll help you form a real image of who you are and what you do. And who your best customers are.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Looks like a continuation of the post you just closed.

    Here's the problem, you're asking for "some input" from us. And we're asking for "some input" from you. The input you have provided is just a general description of a marketing segment (or niche).

    Any of your competitors could post this same question, word-for-word, because it simply defines your segment. It doesn't differentiate any individual business brand that is grouped into this segment by the customer's perceptions.

    In order to help you, we need to better understand the competitive marketing dynamics. How do customers view you relative to the competition? What are they saying about you? What's their level of satisfaction? What specific problems do they have? Is anybody attempting to solve their problems? Specifically, how are you unique?

    If you can answer these questions and more, really dig deeper, and post your findings in the form of a "brief creative brief", you will get better input from us. Your other option is to work with an experienced marketing consultant who can help you write a real marketing plan, which is what I really recommend. Hope this is helpful.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Instead of trying to do everything for everyone, start by focusing on a niche (a region, a type of customer, a type of service, a type of product) that you can both find (through organizational memberships, subscriptions, etc.) and distinguish yourselves from the competition (what you can do that others can't/won't). Once this is accomplished, take what you've learned, and apply it to another niche. And repeat.

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