
Topic: Website Critique

Good-looking Isn't Good Enough!

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
A good-looking and informative website ins't good enough. It must prompt or invite actions, that is, for instance, for us, the user would either buy or download our software provided that such a user is our target audience.

Here's our website,

What do you think?

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Your promise "Get Straight A's With This Study Tool" may be seen as a promise that you can't prove.
    As a tool, I'd want to see examples of use/screen shots/video to better understand how it works/what it looks like.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    The white text on a black background is difficult to read.
  • Posted on Author
    "I'd want to see examples of use/screen shots/video to better understand how it works/what it looks like.
    Yes, they are coming since this is a NEW version the old sets are no longer valid.

    "Get Straight A's With This Study Tool", I have second thought about this guy as well, for one thing, a C student would never get As.

  • Posted on Author
    "The white text on a black background is difficult to read.",
    I'll see if I get quite a bit of complaints like this.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    I've earned my living as a graphic designer for 28 years. The number of complaints you receive is not the point, not when it comes to readability. I've spent 20 years working with access advocacy groups to ensure text is clearly displayed, that it's easy to read, and that it clearly communicates meaning. White text on a dark background fails in each of these areas. Read more here:
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Gary is right.

    David Ogilvy is a giant in the world of advertising .. "David Ogilvy repeatedly found that reverse type (white text on a black background) is harder to read and that having black text on a white".

    There is an old saying that says, "would you rather be right, or successful?"

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    "David Ogilvy repeatedly found that reverse type (white text on a black background) is harder to read and that having black text on a white background."

    (quote was cut off)
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Here are Ogilvy's tips (along with the quote with a typo)
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Let's get something straight here: this is about your customers. Let them decide, okay? Theories are on thing, practice is often otherwise.

    So when you say "The white text on a black background is difficult to read.
    I'll see if I get quite a bit of complaints like this."

    Don't wait for the complaints - test two landing pages and see which gets better results. See which drives a better ROI. You never know, your best buyers may - just may - prefer white on black. "Test everything" says Drayton Bird. What's more, David Ogilvy was no fool because he bought Drayton Bird's marketing business.

    Making a claim like "Get straight As" is asking for trouble as people tend to sit back and do nothing when they're given that sort of advice. It needs to be pro-active, not encourage passivity.

    Just my two cents.
  • Posted on Author
    "Don't wait for the complaints - test two landing pages and see which gets better results.",
    Actually most of the feedback from students and others about the website is very positive.

    Making a claim like "Get straight As" is asking for trouble as people tend to sit back and do nothing when they're given that sort of advice.
    ], yes, I'll re-evaluate this.

  • Posted on Author
    What's your better term to replace " "Get straight As" tagline?

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    "Makes Smart Students Smarter"

    And reverse type IS harder to read ... whether you get comments or not. Just test the premise yourself.

    Create two pages that are identical except for the black/white difference. Then time people reading the text -- half reading the black-on-white and half reading white-on-black -- and give them a simple comprehension test. You don't need a lot of respondents for this research. Results will be clear and fast.
  • Posted on Author
    "Makes Smart Students Smarter"
    I like that. Thanks.

    About text color and background color, it's noted.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted
    Mr Goodman has demonstrated the kind of tagline to replace the "Get Straight As". His tagline emphasizes that the system will support hard work, not replace it.

    Helps you study harder [more direct than the impersonal "students"]
    More effective studying
    Making your fees work harder
    College is expensive enough - make your studying effective

    Or somesuch ...
  • Posted on Author
    "College is expensive enough - make your studying effective"
    I like this one for that's what the software can help.


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