
Topic: Advertising/PR

Car Salesman

Posted by dezmondnix on 25 Points
I have started this job where I sell cars for a Toyota Dealership. I have no direction as far as getting connected with customers. How do I have customers come and ask for me, if I don't know anyone here in this town?
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    You make yourself socially sticky. You position yourself as the go to person for dependable, honest automotive help—even if this means you helping customers buy other makes of vehicle other than Toyota, new or used.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If people aren't coming to you, go to them. Be a leader in your community. Give of your time & knowledge freely, and build trust & credibility.
  • Posted by kimdonald_88 on Accepted
    every body starts being a newbie. All you have to do is to connect yourself with your work, the value must be given important. If you want to have more customers be friendly to them and extend an effort to help their technical needs ( that is a work of a modern salesman) by that, you can create a bridge to win their heart. in connection to that, you will now then can ask more referrals from them, it might be a prospective buyers, a wealthy friends of theirs. After a good transactions done, dont forget to ask a referrals because it will lead to a positive prospects.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    find and read a good book about selling cars. And then another one. And another. And another.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Successful selling begins with listening to what prospective customers are asking and saying. Listen more than you talk. And respond by first confirming that you heard them.

    This kind of active listening requires practice, but it definitely pays off.
  • Posted by dezmondnix on Author
    Thank you all for the advice. I will do my best to make customers happy

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