
Topic: Customer Behavior

How Do You Target Customers In The Service Industr

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
How do you target and segment customers in the service industry, how do we put across to our customers what we have got to offer...??
What are customers needs and wants?? and what do customers want from us?
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    VW, we can't help you much with a vague question like this.

    Have you visited the Important Guidelines page? Please go there and read everything, especially the examples of GOOD questions. It might help you understand how to reframe your question, which you can do by adding your own comments to this thread.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    Shelley is correct. If you reframe the question and help us by sharing more background on what type of industry you are in we will be better equipped to establish some key specific ideas and better content toward your answer.

    A question I often ask my clients about developing avenues for new customers is what people have bought from you in the past?

    What motivated them to buy in the first place?

    Do they feel your product or service met their needs? Or were they disappointed about what they purchased from you and why?

    What do they like about your products or service?

    What products or services do they buy repeatedly from you over and over again?

    What do they hate about your services or products?

    These are just some of the things I consider thinking about when trying to examine how to evangelize your client. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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