
Topic: Advertising/PR

Island For Sale Under $1.oo A Sq Ft

Posted by affordable.island on 250 Points
I am an American living in the Philippines; I have an associate who has inherited an Island in the Philippine Archipelago. It is titled and consists of lush tropical vegetation and white sand beaches. I want to help him sell the island but the price of $3.5 million is beyond the scope of any local buyers. The size of the island is 4,317,667 sq. ft. putting the price per sq. ft. at $.81. The question is in two parts;
1. First, how do I reach the people who can afford to buy an island, want an island, and can develop it?
2. And second what key words should I use to as SEO’s to attract the right people?
I have an email if additional information would be of help, [email address deleted by moderator; please review discussion forum guidelines]
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Work with an island broker and take the hit. They'll have all the pieces in place you'll need to promote and manage the sale; they'll know where potential buyers are and who they are.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You might start by converting the relevant measures to square miles and/or hectares. Why make anyone have to do the arithmetic themselves?

    And make sure the asking price is reasonable. An unrealistically high price signals that the seller is a novice and/or a dreamer, and that can discourage prospective buyers.

    Finally, make sure to identify the "neighborhood," as many islands in the Philippines are in areas dangerous to Westerners. (I've spent a bunch of time in the Philippines, and as much as I love the people overall, there are areas/islands I wouldn't dare visit.)
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    I agree with Gary. Use specialists used to selling this type of thing who have a good current network of potential buyers. However, if you want to go alone think about targeting wealthy visitors - so posters by local exclusive hotels, airports, boat marinas, golf clubs etc together with some high quality upmarket brochures and sales materials. You might even want to employ a local architect to produce some speculative development plans.
  • Posted by BizConsult on Accepted
    Also consider advertising in high-end publications with wealthy readers (Robb Report, etc.)

    Look into higher-priced real estate sites such as (there are many more)

    Good luck!

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