
Topic: Customer Behavior

'who' Shops At Major Us Retail Outlets And 'why' ?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm searching for info on what type of people shop at the following outlets:

Home Depot
and also people who shop for GE Appliances.

Basically I am trying to find out why people shop at these places, ie what are they looking for, price, innovation, functionality, reliability, service, etc. and who they are, ie demographics, socioeconomic & psychographic factors.

If anyone has any specific information that would be fantastic, but even if you could point me to any relevant resources I'd be very grateful.
Thank you.
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    WalMart is a low end merchandiser focusing on price. I remember reading recently that the average income of a shopper there is about $30k a year.

    Sears is a bit higher end. A bit more service and selection of products, but at higher prices.

    Home Depot focuses on the DIY person (which I read somewhere is over 50% women). So they focus more on those people who will be installing it themselves.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Parker, is this for a university assignment?

    While you're waiting for other responses here, let me suggest that you visit to get some tips about using Google effectively to find needles in the Internet haystack!

    - Shelley

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