
Topic: Advertising/PR

Market Through An E-mail Newsletter

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Are there e-mail address lists available for purchase?

The client is a general construction company
focus is hurricane damaged cities
product is roofing

Would like a system that I can select the demographics
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Chris,

    Okay, to answer your question, here are a couple of big ones:

    Major media lists will also be of higher quality, they will cost more, but your response will be much higher.

    This is one of the situations where my first reaction is that email marketing may not be the preferred marketing tool to use. It is best for deepening and strengthening existing relationships, not prospecting.

    Not that it can't work for this, but a B-to-C email list is going to cost you around $100-$200 per 1000, a B-to-B double that and your ROI most likely will be poor because of the low-level of opt-in these people have given, you'll probably be perceived as spam.

    Since hurricanes hit geographic areas, would not a blanketed direct snail mail advertising make more sense? (same companies above can help you)

    I'll bet it would lead to a much higher conversion rate.

    You could even give some kids $7 an hour and have them walk around slipping flyers onto doors for that matter.

    Slap some highly visible magnetic signs on all the company vehicles.

    Or, a combination of any or all, approach it from an integrated marketing perspective.

    I hope that helps.

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Just a thought....

    If someone had their roof destroyed, are they going to be at home on the Internet?

    Furthermore, do people prepare for disaster by keepng a list of roofers in their wallet?

    I live in "Tornado Alley". We can have over 100 tornados in one month and I don't know a single person who has a list of people to hire in case of a direct hit.

    therefore, I would target the following:

    1. Insurance companies

    2. Building contractors

    3. Government Disaster Offices

    You will get better results by going to the people who are likely to call for assistance...and ironically, it is rarely the home or business owner.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Not looking to garner any points here, just seconding (or thirding) that using email may not be the best use of your funds here, even if you go with some of the less-than-desirable email rental companies where names can be had for as little as $1/thousand.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    amandavega, on the nail with that one :-)
    Great tactic.

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