
Topic: Advertising/PR

Sports Forum Mktg Adv & Innovative Content

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Dear M'profs!
I am about to publically launch a sports forum, since this is my first venture with the net, i seek your vital guidance in this regard. Imp details are as follows:-
1) Target Mkt - Global Sports fanatics, sportsperson & anyone associated with the business of sport, with special focus on India.
2) Primary Obj - Creating initially a non-profit online sports community -> making it active offline too -> and with the popularity of the site, commercially exploring viable business propositions.
3) Expected USP -Designing, Content richness & Interactivity(Get2gethers) etc.
4) Location : India

1) Ways to derive initially the target audience to the site.
2) Type of content to put on the site initially to attact members & acquire good registrations
3) Sources to get fresh/original/ interesting content for
target mkt.
4) Cost-effective/ Zero Cost ways to Mkt, publise & make the target mkt aware of the site.
5) Ways to tie-up with similar target mkt sites/portals in
other domains (without any initial credibility & standing).
6) Any suggestions as regard to creating /designing a sports forum are welcome.

I look forward to your vital advice before finally going public. A happy & prosperous new year to all and my heartiest thanks in advice.

take care
New Delhi
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Hi and welcome to marketingprofs Know-How Exchange.

    It might be worth you looking over the Guidelines if you haven't all ready.
    And also search the forum for similar questions and answers.

    You might even find the answer you need from a simple Google search.

    Enjoy your time here, but try to make it as productive as possible for yourself :-)

    Good Luck

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You probably ought to do some serious research among your target audience and essentially ask them what it would take to get them interested in a site like the one you describe. I wouldn't be quite so direct, though, because they might not really know the answer.

    Instead, why not ask them what they do now to enjoy sports ... what they'd like to do but can't ... why ... what else they would like ... etc. Ask them to invent new ways to enjoy sports ... get them thinking creatively.

    Then, after they've done that, you can ask a few questions about what they'd want to see in a website targeted at sports fans. What it would take to get them to try the site, and to return on a regular basis.

    This is one case where market research is probably going to be very important. Ideally, it should be quantitative, projectable research, but even some qualitative research would be better than nothing. Just be sure it's conducted by an experienced professional.

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    If this were my project, I would begin by building a list of 20 or more competitve "sports portals" - and get an idea of how they are set up, and how they are funded. Once you find a site of interest, do a Google search on the URL and find who links to them, and look at those sites. With minimal marketing dollars, a very good promotional strategy might be to find sites which currently send traffic to similar sites, and encourage them to post a link to your site.

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