
Topic: Advertising/PR

Most Successful Trade Show Giveaways

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

We are exhibiting at the upcoming RSA show in San Francisco this February. Just beyond start-up mode and FCSing product, I'd like our trade show giveaway to be something more compelling and really interesting to our customer. I am looking for your view on the most successful/compelling/memorable tradeshow giveaway. A bit about us -- provide solutions for enterprise mass worm attacks. Target audience is enterprise companies who are concerned about the business continuity ramifications of a mass worm attack. Many thanks for your help and support.

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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Hi, Patti --

    Not too long ago I bought three canisters of Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty. You gotta see this stuff to believe it! It's not your childhood Silly Putty or your kidlet's PlayDo. (Although my own kidlet loves it.)

    I thought to myself, "It sure would be cool to give this stuff away as a promo." Sure enough, they can provide it with custom labeling!

    Check it out:

    - Shelley ;]

    ps. You've posted this in the About Our Forum category. I'll move it into the Ad/PR category, where it might be more suitable for you.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Lets be honest, any freebie at a show is compelling, the number of director and senior managers I've seen veering off to a stand to put up a cheap plastic pen!

    Anyway, my rule is always to provide something that my visitors will use at their desk or where-ever they work from. So clocks, expensive pens sets, executive toys etc etc, avoid anything they can give to kids, because your message will be wasted on their kids!

    TWO additional Rules:

    Always have a back up for those extra special customers (so something expensive like bottles of champagne etc)

    Always have enough, I remember been sent to a show that attracted 10,000's of people with only 100 stress relievers!
    And sent to another show with just 8 torches!

    Good Luck

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