
Topic: Just for Fun

Fun Marketing Ideas

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have recently begun working for a small franchise who are new to my area and surrounded by better known competition. I am in dire need of some fun marketing ideas to bring attention to the company and hopefully bring in some business. We do have a "mascot" and are interested in different ways to use it (such as going sledding, drive throughs, etc...). Anyone think they have something truly original to give us an edge against our competitors?
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    What kind of franchise? Quick-service restaurant?

    What's your target market?

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Don't count on borrowed interest to build your business. Go back to the basics: What is your company's positioning? How are you different from/better than competition? What is it your consumers really need? Why do they buy from you?

    Once you've essentially done the SWOT analysis, you can think about some promotion ideas that are on strategy -- supportive of the positioning.

    Ultimately those will be more successful/effective than the borrowed-interest variety.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    If you provide more info (are you a dry cleaners? a restaurant? a movie theater? a mortgage company? ) we can provide more specific answers. Generally speaking, I don't know that cute mascots work well if your target market is over ten years old. With a limited budget, one area you might consider is finding a way to partner with or piggyback on other firms with larger marketing budgets.

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