
Topic: Student Questions

What Are The Differences Marketing A B2b Vs. A B2c

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am writing a paper on the differences between marketing on a b2b website vs. a b2c website and would like to get some input from the experts? Your help is appreciated.
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Well, much of the differences comes down to how they buy.

    B2C is more concerned about brand reputation and personal preferences. The decision is made by the end consumer.

    B2B the concern generally comes down to money - what is the most cost effective solution for the company. B2B also has the added challenge that because the person making the buying decision is not spending their money, but instead a company's money, they also could be putting their job/career on the line by making the decision.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Visit the Important Guidelines page and read how to get the best from this forum. One thing you'll learn, for example, is to use the Search Questions link to see how many times people have asked this question before!

    You should also try the Search box at the top of this page to find MarketingProfs articles on this subject.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi lastouffer,

    By now you have hopefully taken Shelley's advice and performed a site search and found great answers previously posted to questions similar to yours.

    If not, please do so now and in the future because we typically don't do homework, however, to help you out below is my answer for a previous post.

    Advice: Please don't copy this word for word because instructors and professors monitor this site and keep a close eye on plagiarism attempts. Read it, analyze it, and do further research so it makes sense.

    Here you go:

    The major characteristic of B2B is that companies attempt to automate the trading process in order to improve it.

    Automating saves a tremendous amount of time and money.

    Although B2C gets more publicity, the amount of money transacted annually through B2B is much greater than B2C.

    The major characteristic of B2C is that companies try to create a direct relationship with consumers without the involvement of intermediaries such as distributors, wholesalers and dealers.

    The difference in marketing is that a B2B "seller" tries to differentiate itself from its competition by marketing its value proposition to its target market as one that will save the "buyer" companies a great deal of time and money by automating as much of their supply chain as possible. They do this through the traditional offline methods of advertising, tradeshow, field sales etc. along with websites that provide customer only access to their accounts and inventory. In addition, e-mail marketing and other communications using the supply chain channels is effective.

    Establishing strategic partnerships and alliances can also provide tremendous synergies and leverage.

    B2C also uses traditional offline methods along with the integration of online tools such as interactive websites, email marketing, online communities, CPC (cost-per-click advertising such as Google AdWords) pop-up and banner ads etc.

    B2B may also utilize some of those mentioned for B2C and vice versa. The goal of any marketing program for either one is to find the combination of integrated online and offline tools that produces maximum sales, minimum expense and maximum profit, and therein lies the challenge to management.

    I hope that helps.

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