
Topic: Advertising/PR

Out Of The Box Ideas?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am looking for extremly fun ideas for launching corn chips targeting 15-30?
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    One of the funniest "product launches" I ever saw was at a McDonalds restaurant. Someone had one of those large containers of french fries - and after they had emptied it, they would put a small french fry in empty cardboard container, and "launched" the fry a suprising distance... there is a way the bottom of the container snaps from one position to another - try it.

    It's hilarious, I'm laughing just remembering it. I had to buy a large order of fries myself just to try it. Maybe you could "launch" corn chips "out of the box" in a similar way. At the very least, you will shake up the presentation meeting, when you start sending corn chips flying across the room.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi Studentd:

    Provide hip, cool, hot flavors. That age group loves flavors, not just plain corn chips. Look at what the fast food companies that target that demographic are churning out and emulate them - Taco Bell, Subway, Quiznos - they've already done the research and focus group studies for you!

    I hope that helps.

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