
Topic: Advertising/PR

Stating The Obvious!!!

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Dear Panel,
I have developed a range of premium black and green teas containing fresh fruits, flowers, herbs and spices. The packaging is in vibrant colors and evokes the purity of the product and the ingredients used. The tea is in bags and can be drunk either black or even with a dash of milk. The target market is the over 25 year old consumer who is aware of the qualities of tea (health benefits, relaxation, spiritual aspects ect) who is willing to try exciting new natural flavours. My question is....

Shall i put in bold on the front of the packaging that this product can be consumed " either black (natural) or with milk" is this stating the obvious? will it allienate people the target consumer who prefers a natural, pure taste (these customers -who may be connoisseurs- may find it unappetising that such a pure product can be spoilt by adding milk, which remember is an animal product? or on the other hand attract additional consumers who like milk in their tea? Or should i put this statement on the side panel and hope consumers will take time to read it.
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Most tea bags do not put that type of information on it. At most, they would put it on the outside of the container holding the tea bags, but even that doesn't seem to be too common. I have a variety of green teas around my office and they do not state that (but then again, milk in green tea is not common, so maybe it does happen on black tea packages).
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I would not put the milk reference on the front. People know how they take their tea, and people who take it black may find the mention of milk a little off-putting.

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi mahin

    usually people dont add milk with green tea, some add the sugar.

    in case of black tea, adding milk and or sugar is the drinkers choice. i would suggest that you develop a some alternative flavours of black tea recipes/"how-to-make" (like black tea with milk and honey, with ginger etc.) and put that in the back of the packaging, not on the front. this will create extra benefit for the consumers.

    hope that helps.

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    A very thank you, Michele, for the support.

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