
Topic: Advertising/PR

Visual Idea's- Seamless Communication

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I working on a advt. campaing for a service that enable or facilitates "Seamless Communication" between people.

How could I convey this concept "Seamless Communication" through static visual.

Thank you,

PS: Had I more points to my credit, I would have scaled it up to say 125 points or more. Nevertheless, I expect your best try. I work with the same zeal on a project, irrespective of the earnings. So, I give my best- points are not the criteria
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Valerian, first you'll have to convey in WORDS here what your client means by "seamless communication." Otherwise you'll get lame recommendations like, 'Draw siamese twins with overlapping voice balloons!'

    If you've got a complex concept to explain, you could do what I did a couple of years ago. Hire the guys at to create a stunning visual for you.

    ~ Shelley

    p.s. There's no need to lecture us about points. By doing that, you might have just LOST the interest of some contributors.

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